Friday, February 03, 2006

Short Ramblings

Was having a chit chat session with a colleague the whole morning so do not really have the time to blog. As such, this has to be a short post with various ramblings:

Number One
The bees invaded my house on 2nd day of CNY! They just decided that the ledge just outside my room window was perfect for a new home! Cannot believe how fast they settled down. All in like half an hour... Unfortunately, the pest control eradicated them before I had the opportunity to take a good picture.

Number Two
It's a collegaue's last day today. A little gal that I'm quite fond of. And I know for sure that there are gonna be a lot more to come. Things are getting a tad demoralising now. Coz although there has been resignations in the company, this is the first from my department.

Number Three
Chit chat this morning was with yet another colleague... she's gonna tender too! This resignation has direct effects on me... can see her work flowing over to me already. Oh well, these few months are meant to be the really busy period anyway... so bring it on. Funnily enough, I actually told her to go... as I really think the new job has a lot more opportunities than the current one. At least you feel as though you are putting your few years of work experience to good use. :)

It seems like this is the period for changes and upheavals. Never imagined when I started this blog that there can be so many things to write about... ;) should really make interesting reading when the years pass....


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