Thursday, February 02, 2006

A tiff with ze parents

Yup... I've finally done it... lost my cool last night and had a good rowdy tiff with the ze parents... what was it about? Hmmm... I really dunno, but seriously, had thought that it was all over and done with. Not for me to figure why double standards exist in this world. Right now, just plain tired, and not feeling well. Really wanted to stay at home today, but oh well, work is work.

The good thing about having a tiff with parents at this ripe old age? You don't need to stay home after. So yes, after so many many years, I was finally able to leave my house at 11 to get a breath of fresh air to cool down! Yippie...

Irony of it all, I came back at 12 and my sis was not back yet. If I had dared to pull a stunt like that in my uni days, I think world war III would have happened. Oh well, like I said... welcome to reality: double standards prevail.


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