Monday, January 23, 2006

I am so not cut out for this

So... what have I been doing for the past week? Studying... was hard at work attending my CPA course... which in a way, is like a passport for me. Technically, this allows me to pursue whatever I want to do work wise, be it continuation in the accounts line, or branching out of it. Should be really happy that it is over, right? After all, this course was one of the contributing factors to me joining my current company.
Well... what can I say. The course itself was enjoyable enough. With the 101 changes in the accounting standards, auditing standards, tax law, and company law... there was enough new material to fully occupy my entire attention. And knowing that an exam was due at the end of the course, you can't help but pay attention right?
Day of exam... sitting staring at that paper... it was really deja vu. Why is it that everytime I look at an accounts paper, fear just sweeps over me? There's a never ending amount of calculation questions, leaving you with no room whatsoever for painting the various scenarios, possibilities, etc. everything is so definite... including the conclusion: you either know the answer, or you don't. Doesn't take too much intelligence to know which side I stand on.
So yuppers... not so sure whether I will clear the paper or not... but one thing is fairly certain at this point. I cannot possibly do pure accounts any more... I will go bonkers!!! Coming back to work, facing my not so many emails, but yet the tedium of work beckons.
Oh... colleague of mine just left and we are not getting a replacement. Establishment's lovely "people development" department has decided that her work can be filled by a temporary placement like forever. Sighs... let me know when a temp is willing to work till 9 every day and come in on weekends.


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