Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The weekend meetup - part two

All right... I hope there were people that realized that part two was missing... It's late on a Wednesday night, and I am at work despite being in a rather foul mood this morning. Morning started miserably with an SMS at 830am. Can't stand it, why is it that the first messages in the morning are always bad news? Anyway, commented that I can't blog no more coz I'm tired, so a colleague recommended that I blog this: "I am too tired to blog, I hate work" Sweet and concise... lovely. :)

Well, at the end of the day felt that I really should finish blogging about my weekend. After all, playing catch up with these folks don't really happen all that often and I would like to remember it 3 months down the road. Must say that I enjoyed the 3rd meetup session most... perhaps coz at the end of the day I am closest to him.

We arranged via a string of calls and text messages to meet at Brewerkz. It was an old haunt, which we visited many a time during his stay here. Must say that I've not actually been there in like a year or so? Imagine my surprise when I realized that it has really really expanded... I swear the entire Riverside Point is Brewerkz territory now. (of course, with its selection of clientele, this makes it kind of a bomb threat as well) No prizes for guessing the itinerary for the night... idea was to have a night of boozing.

Meeting time - 8pm. Arrived slightly early with Jules... and took a walk around the area. Received a call telling me that the rest of the party will be late (surprise, surprise) S came next and in true Singaporean style, we started plotting what to order so as to make best use of the happy hour promotion.

825pm - Little bro finally arrived with his UK friends in tow.... Nim, Charlotte and Sophie... and they all met coz they were playing badminton together in uni. Well, Nim, Charlotte and Sophie decided that they did not wanna do beer that night (how can you not drink beer at Brewerkz), and ended up ordering a round of Singapore Sling. The rest of us ordered two jugs and yup, the night started.

Halfway through pint no 2, the conversation was as follows:
Nim: what's our plan for the rest of the night
K: not sure, ask the hostess
Me: just thought that we will just chill
Nim: can I tell you my suggestion. Let's go pub crawling. Where's the longest stretch of bars in Singapore. Let's head down there, randomly walk into a pub, spend half and hour there, order a drink, and head on to the next pub
Me, Jules and S: erm... okay
And off we went to Boat Quay.

Well, to cut the long story short...
Part 1 - Beer and Singapore Sling at Brewerkz
Part 2 - Semboka at Mad Flemmings
Part 3 - Vodka shots at Eski Bar
Part 4 - Mai Tai and Beer at Random pub
Part 5 - Tequilla shots at Shin Bar
Part 6 - ... GMax Reverse bungy for... the gals (yes, the guys chickened out)
Part 7 - Beer again at pub right next to the bungy jump
Part 8 - Supper at Newton Circus.

At that point of time... the only coherent thought in my head was... there was no way I was gonna be able to get up the next morning and meet them at 12 for shopping. (at the back of my mind, there were a million other thoughts, all along the lines of I am not young anymore and these english pple sure can drink) Miraculously, did manage to get up with no signs whatsoever of a hangover... and we spent a whole three hours at Wisma / Taka all thanks to the rain that never did let up.

Must say that although bringing them around did take up the majority of my weekend, I was really quite happy. It felt nice talking to an old friend about old times, laughing at the little incidents that happened, and mostly wondering how we managed to find time to hang out in spite of the crazy working hours back then. Although we've not really had an opportunity to talk much over the last three years, it seemed as though time had stood still for us... there were no awkward silences, conversation flowed and yes, there was still and understanding... and of course, he looked just as young as ever, albeit a little thinner (*sigh* some people are just so lucky) The plan now is to finally go UK for a visit, hopefully in June / July. Time to seriously start saving money!!!


Blogger chiarezza said...

Have been told that part 4 random pub is The Lighthouse

6:17 PM  

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