Wednesday, January 25, 2006

More about love

Blame it on channel 8... have been sort of hooked to this TV drama showing now... Love Concierge. What is there not to like about the show? It finally brings my idol of all time, Alex To, to my small screen. It showcases some of the best actors / actresses in Singapore, even for the bit parts! And not to mention the various eye candy...

But seriously, one of the main draws of the show for me (besides Alex To) is the different "love theories" that each of the characters have, and the number of ideas the show throws up in one single episode. Just last night alone there was mention of marriage for money, and in this scene between Alex and Jacelyn... about giving up the one you love, differentiating between the scenario when he / she loves you back versus an unrequited love scenario.

In the show, Jacelyn breaks down when faced with the prospect of watching her sis get married to the guy she loves, whom returns her feelings. Alex reminds her that when it comes to mutual love, giving up the person you love will only end up in misery, not only for her, but also for the person "given" around like a present. Sounds a little convoluted? Understanding that this is a drama serial, and a little exaggerated, I think it does touch on a few really true principles. After all, in the course of one's life, isn't there a chance that you don't end up being with the person that you like? Seeing someone that you like get married to another will never be an easy thing. Does knowing that he likes you back make it easier or harder? Does it hurt less that it is a past love? Has anyone ever attended the wedding of an ex boyfriend, or someone who meant alot to you? My guess is that there will be some remnant feelings, whichever situation it is... if he never felt for you, you wonder why, but most probably you would have come to terms to the fact long ago. If he did, and you did not give it a shot, there is that lingering feeling of "what if". And in the case of an ex boyfriend / fling and so on... hmmm... guess it would be a case of "that could have been me".

Well... just wondering how many of these scenarios will happen to me. :) In the meantime, just watching the show to see how the drama unfolds.


Blogger miss ene said...

I like the show too ! :) But I never remember to watch it at 9pm so have been missing quite a few episodes. Tsk.

2:12 PM  
Blogger chiarezza said...

sobs... but the show is over... now will have to watch american idol to get my share of laughs

8:39 AM  

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