Saturday, January 07, 2006

The weekend meetup - part one

Hmmm... okay, so it wasn't really the entire weekend persay, but yuppers... have completed two of my three dinners... typing this just before I go meet my little bro for our catch up session. Must say I entered the first of the three meetups with a little apprehension... after all it's been three years... will we still have anything to talk about, will there be awkward silences, will all conversation halt in half an hour... or *gasp* will we even recognize each other!!! (Yes, I know, have been told very often by a certain individual that I am very 'drama')

First Meeting
So, the first of the three outings occured on Thursday night... was actually almost nearly late as I was trying to finish some presentation slides at work. I reached Orchard MRT exactly on time, and wow... she was already there! (what a rarity these days) I seriously think she looked exactly the same... singlet - check, long sleeve shirt - check, pants - check, backpack - check, huge grin - check, big hug - check yet again. :) For a moment, found myself ten years younger...
Of course, the evening started with a big hug (how can it not), and resulted in many stares... did I ever ever tell you that she still looks very cute!!! (this is the 16 year old me speaking) But seriously, it was the start of a rather enjoyable evening. She was having a case of the sniffles, so we decided to eat something hot... and ended up at the Sun and Moon at Wheelock Place. Have heard alot about the food here, and you know what... I really did enjoy the dinner... my teppanyaki was perfect!!!
So over the next couple of hours, we started talking about the past... how we met (we still can't figure this one out), the common friends and where they are now (funny: we don't really have many common friends, so how did we meet?) In the end, we kind of just concluded that one must have walked up to the other and just started talking (hahaha). Well, the long and short of it is that I had a great time, and we resolved not to wait another three years before meeting up.

Second Meeting
Hmmm... so part two... well, we were texting each other the entire day trying to figure out a good time and place to meet. After all, he of the fluid timeline had about a zillion things lined up for the night, and not sure where to place what. Finally decided to meet at this place called International Building, and *gasp* he was early as well!!!
Must say that this outing didn't go as well as the meeting the day before. Perhaps it was due to the fact that his friends were just sitting at another table? Oh well... we talked some, but it really was of that distant variety... the we are keeping in touch because we have known each other for so very long, but really... we don't know much about each other anymore do we? Funnily enough, vas we talked, we realized that in the past three years, we've both gotten to know more common friends!!! It just makes our circle smaller and smaller by the year.
Glad to say that he seems to be doing well at work... definitely one that has lived up to his potential. Not saying that he can't do more in future, but just glad that he has kept on track. So after dinner, we headed over to Borders, and the plan was for me to join him and his friends for some drinks at The Loof... but at the end of the day, I decided to go and join Jules and his colleagues instead. THAT was a disastrous decision, as it ended up with my Friday night going bad... but I shall leave that for another long long post.
So, yuppers... two meetings down, all quite enjoyable, and am really looking forward to meeting little bro!


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