Sunday, December 03, 2006

Time is just rushing by

For some reason, every end of year is one big rush. There's always so much that I set out to achieve, and of course, the end result is always a small percentage of the goals. Perhaps in a way, this year the list of items have been impounded by the fact that I've also got a job deadline for an ever increasing number of assignments, as well as the fact that I've got to spend more time with Jules! Me thinketh that it really is time to "buckle down" and organize myself.

Obviously, things have not been just all dreary... there's always all the social stuff that has been keeping me occcupied.. and I guess that's a part of the highlight of the week. A recap of the past couple of weekends:
- Lee Hom live @ Mandai with S and P... I am now a bigger fan than ever
- Champagne Brunch (hee.. atas living) with the gang minus the two bunnies
- Mulitple visits to St. James Power Station
- two weddings in one day!
:) Any wonder why I have no time to pen down my events?

Actually have plenty of hilarious photos which I am tempted to put up... but I think I'll get killed... so scroll down for the tamer variety, and let your imagination do the rest!


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