Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Frustrating Day

Ever had one of those days where everything just went wrong? Well, today was just that for me... extremly frustrating. And I shall attempt to list out just some of the what went wrong:

i) It appears as though I've had a terrible sleep last night
ii) Suffering from bad skin, cracked lips, and super ultra bloatedness
iii) Everything I tried on just looked horrible. Ended up wearing crap to work
iv) Lost the visitor pass at work... almost had to pay $20
v) Was extremly unproductive despite tight as hell deadline
vi) Have not doen what my partner asked me to do. PROCRASTINATING because I can't seem to figure out how to do the simplest task.
vii) Totally forgot to bring my storybook home for my long bus journey, after repeatedly reminding myself.
viii) Freezing bus

In case you haven't figured it out by now, I am suffering from an extreme case of PMS. I can actually feel the grouchiness festering inside. Please let it pass soon... I need to work, and the manager has just asked me to complete my appraisal. *sighs* this is going to be my worst appraisal yet.

On the brighter side, had a marvellous time at Redang last week... will blog about it another time . Will not be able to do it justice in the current mood.


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