Friday, February 24, 2006

Just a Little Outing

Hmmm... went off work really early yesterday... 6pm! Had a little outing with some colleagues. Went to Mortons for Martinis... yummy... it was fun to just go off early and chill. One of them passed a comment that I was the oldest in the group. *Ouch* Actually, it was one of the few times that the fact dawned upon me. Gee... thus far in my working experience, I've been in environments whereby most of the people that I mixed with were older than me. After all, thanks to NS, the guys area already by default two years older.

So why wasn't I out with people of my own age? Sadly, I think that a good portion of my friends are "settled" by now... married, or at least, very much in the "marriage" state. No one wants to go out for a night of fun no more. So is it just me? Am I not "settled"? Gee... well, for now, I'll try and look at things in a positive light, and say that it's coz I'm still young at heart. *giggle*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

who says your "settled" friends don't want to go out for a night of fun anymore? We can still do that once in a blue moon. Maybe 31st??

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still here, just buried under million tons of work...!!!

6:34 PM  
Blogger chiarezza said...

I am looking forward to 31st... now to hope that no one cancels...

9:38 AM  

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