Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Long Lost Friends Weekend

Happy!!! Had three unexpected calls / emails over the past few weeks... and yuppers, am gonna meet up with a couple of folks that I have not seen in years! So actually this post goes out to my usual gang... guys, just in case you were wondering (as if) where I disappeared to.
First up... am doing dinner with a secondary school senior? Clues: I used to lament that she should just be a guy... after all, she's the one who watched one of my first tennis matches, sent me back home when I twisted my ankle, who tried counselling me when I had a tiff with my mum, and whom, after so many years, never fails to remember my birthday, surprising me with flowers (when I thought she was overseas), and a birthday song... but, well, she's a gal and am just glad that we're finally meeting up! Think the last time I saw her was three(?) years back?
Second... got a call yesterday, from an unknown number... cool... another person I got to know in my secondary school days. Someone with whom I shared many "firsts" with... (my gosh, these days there are really hardly any first time experiences, are there?) Think we are a fine example of how small Singapore is... throughout the last eleven years, there have just been so many common friends, so much so, that althoug he has not been in Singapore since after JC, it's really not that difficult to keep track of each other. Having said that, think it has again been three years since we last went out together... so, yes, am looking forward to it.
Lastly, just received an email today... from... my little bro in UK. Knew he was gonna come down to the region, but he did say that he would not have time to visit boring old Singapore (actually am sure this place gives him nightmares). He's coming down for the weekend... to bar crawl... am not sure he's gonna appreciate the mohd sultan scene anymore really... haha... but well, we can try.
Coincidentally, it appears as though I've not met any of the above in the past three years... can only conclude that I must have gone into hiding... :) oh yeah, and someone commented that my last post was extremly blonde... think he's gonna freak out at this one!


Blogger chiarezza said...

trust you to remember only the "chio" one... you got the name right, but the surname wrong... yup! finally meeting up! and yes, I know I owe you a meeting too... :)

7:11 PM  
Blogger miss ene said...

There was this senior in my sec school that I had a mini crush on. Her name was Amelia Gan.


And eh, bring your little bro to MOS or Zouk lah. Mohd Sultan is so 1980s.

12:18 PM  
Blogger chiarezza said...

Ha ha... it looks as though all Amelias are rather crush worthy. :) The said senior had "admirers" ten years her junior... impressive right.

12:22 PM  

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