Thursday, December 29, 2005

Sometimes I just go looking for trouble

Yup.... think the title really says it all. So yes, it was during lunch yet again, when R commented that he has the habit of reading a person's past blog... like all the way back to year x. So, with nothing very interesting to do at work... I decided to actually take a look at a certain person's blog. Must confess that I must have had his blog address since he started it... like way back in 2004, but I have never ever looked at it. Why so? Simply because prior to S sending me her blogsite, I have never had much interest in blogs. Yes, I did read the random country bashing pieces that get circulated via mass mail... but that was about it.
Boy was I in for a shock... think I found that throughout the past year... there were just some oblique references to me. And I guess, I found myself walking down memory lane as well. That, as any intelligent person will tell you, is a sure spell for trouble. Sometimes, looking back into your past is never the best of ideas... it is turbulent. Still remember how we met, and how a night of caustic remarks turned into months of discussions... think there really was an understanding then.
Reading the blog... well, guess I never knew that he cared. Yes, I got the occassional messages over the past few years... but as that usually came at 3am in the morning, when he is not in the most lucid of states... I nicely dismissed them as drunken ramblings. Assuming then that his blogs were posted in a clearer state, guess maybe I was mistaken after all.
Well, for those that were with me through my "decadent" years... bet you are all laying bets as to who this guy is. :) To him, just have this to say: know that you've seen some of my blogs... well, hope you read this as well. Thanks for always thinking of me, and trying to be there for me. Guess you should know how I feel about my life now, since we had a pretty good talk not so very long ago. Sorry for having been so dense... sometimes I am like a guy, need to be hit on the head. Think you know my wishes for you as well, tried telling you about a million times in the past couple of years, but stubbornly... you will just tune me out.
Yes... I know... I am a born nag...


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