Tuesday, December 20, 2005


It's Tuesday... a working morning... and I am taking some time off work? Why so? Because I am none too pleased.... boss just told me something this morning. She has reshuffled our duties yet again. It's very frustrating. To top it off, was on mc yesterday, still not feeling too good today... feeling weak all over, as though my body cannot support me yet... wonder if this is how babies feel when they are hungry.
Not sure if anyone else understands my frustration. Ever had a boss that likes to change your portfolio every two weeks? Well, mine does... maybe not my portfolio to be exact, but she really does like to change her mind. And this is starting to affect me... because week 1, I am supposed to write a paper advocating a certain action, come week 2, I am now against the action. And I am not in some fancy corporate company when we are totally dependent on business movements, and therefore my actions need to change correspondingly, this is all totally dependent on one person's management and risk appetite.
So what happens today is that I am now told that since my two corporate programmes are over, I can take back a certain section of my work... the dreaded payment checking. Firstly, I do not think that I ever did my corporate programme stuff during working hours (except during the last week of D&D); secondly, corporate programmes were never the reason why payment checking was taken off my portfolio; thirdly, she got someone else to do the system administration part of my portfolio, which she just assigned to me a week ago!!!
The frustration lies not really in the increase in work, but the fact that your job scope keeps changing. So there I was the last week reading up on the system, and before I could try anything hands on, it has been taken off again. This is not the first time... and it really irks me when I have planned my work, done some research, only to start from ground zero again. To a certain extent, it is a waste of time.


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