Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Wherein is that Christmas Feeling?

What do you know? It's Christmas time again... but... I don't feel it!!! Rather ironic really, considering that this time round, my office is situated just on the fringe of Orchard Road... the heart of Singapore Christmas! Have not bought any christmas presents this year... I wonder why... just too lazy to drag my butt down and squeeze in that crowd! I have not even gone shopping for anything for myself in a while (well, except for my seven book spree). Must be the distinct lack of any bonus that has curbed my usual need to go shopping during Christmas.
Been filled with extreme negative thoughts lately. Have been rather... *gasp*... dare I say it, vindictive? Yup! Filled with petty thoughts, really do need to change my mindset. Have not been doing work, have been grouchy, been close to tears. Am I finally suffering from the much heard about PMS? :)
Guess it's more like no one has had any good news of late. Everywhere I turn, everyone seems to be "in a bad state". Deadlines, relationship woes, bosses that don't understand... somehow, no one seems happy this year. And yes, the kaypoh me has heard a good share of this year's problems, and they are getting to me!!! (My eyes don't feel twinkly anymore) Disgruntlement seems to be abound this Christmas... when is Santa coming? Time to dig out my stash of happy sparkles and sprinkle them around. Hope that everyone has received my Christmas cards by now... and hopefully, that is enough to bring a little smile to everyone's face... even for a short second... after all, it's christmas.


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