Friday, January 27, 2006

The Eve of a Long Weekend

It's yet another long weekend for the month of January! This has been a great month to be at work I think... there are so many public holidays! However, for some reason, don't really seem to be in the festive mood.

Is it me, or were festive periods when one is younger a lot more fun? At least when you are young, there is the anticipation of christmas presents, chinese new year ang pows, and all the new clothes and PJs... these days, hmmm... I seem to be doing everything last minute... there is no anticipation, no enthusiasm... or maybe it's just because I am sick and can't eat pineapple tarts. :)

Am counting down now to a certain special day now... nine more days to go!!! However, that means that I am running out of time too. Oh well, may February pass ever so quickly like January!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Really hate being sick

It's been a while since I've come down with the flu bug... and boy do I hate it. Gastric pain I can deal with... but this never ending sore throat and sniffy nose... yeech, can't stand it.

Have been at home for the entire day "resting"... and the end result is that I am "restless". Not really saying that being at work would be any better, but I guess am just restless. Can't get to sleep... but the medicine is making me drowsy... so much so, that I can't seem to focus on doing anything for long. Irritating really.

It all started with a headache that wouldn't go away. This became a shoulderache... then a sorethroat then a sniffly nose... and now, I can feel that ticklish feeling in the throat that can only be... the start of a cough. Please please don't let me start coughing... am aching badly enough as it is. I swear that being ill actually makes you tone up. Firstly, you don't have the appetite for food (at least I don't), and the sneezing and stuff acutally makes your whole body "exercise", so much so that I am aching in the abdomen and ribs area...

Oh well... Chinese New Year is around the corner, and I can't dig in to all the goodies... Gggrrrr!!! On the bright side, this gives me some time to work on that little project of mine, and of course, ensures that I am at home to catch Alex To on TV!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

More about love

Blame it on channel 8... have been sort of hooked to this TV drama showing now... Love Concierge. What is there not to like about the show? It finally brings my idol of all time, Alex To, to my small screen. It showcases some of the best actors / actresses in Singapore, even for the bit parts! And not to mention the various eye candy...

But seriously, one of the main draws of the show for me (besides Alex To) is the different "love theories" that each of the characters have, and the number of ideas the show throws up in one single episode. Just last night alone there was mention of marriage for money, and in this scene between Alex and Jacelyn... about giving up the one you love, differentiating between the scenario when he / she loves you back versus an unrequited love scenario.

In the show, Jacelyn breaks down when faced with the prospect of watching her sis get married to the guy she loves, whom returns her feelings. Alex reminds her that when it comes to mutual love, giving up the person you love will only end up in misery, not only for her, but also for the person "given" around like a present. Sounds a little convoluted? Understanding that this is a drama serial, and a little exaggerated, I think it does touch on a few really true principles. After all, in the course of one's life, isn't there a chance that you don't end up being with the person that you like? Seeing someone that you like get married to another will never be an easy thing. Does knowing that he likes you back make it easier or harder? Does it hurt less that it is a past love? Has anyone ever attended the wedding of an ex boyfriend, or someone who meant alot to you? My guess is that there will be some remnant feelings, whichever situation it is... if he never felt for you, you wonder why, but most probably you would have come to terms to the fact long ago. If he did, and you did not give it a shot, there is that lingering feeling of "what if". And in the case of an ex boyfriend / fling and so on... hmmm... guess it would be a case of "that could have been me".

Well... just wondering how many of these scenarios will happen to me. :) In the meantime, just watching the show to see how the drama unfolds.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Shopping and Relationships - The Corelation

Am gonna be kinda killed for writing this... thank goodness the blog readership is small... but yes, I think I've finally figured this one out without a beer session.

Was out with the gals shopping for a good 6 hours the other day (remind me never to be so dumb again), and yes, we were looking for a white skirt. This took us all of 6 hours... it was in one shop, and to the next, and to the next... looking for the perfect skirt! Said skirt had to be of a specific length, colour, material, not to mention cutting and fit. Thankfully, we managed to find it close to the end of the shopping hours, after seeing almost every other white shirt in Singapore.

Obviously, the only buy that day wasn't a white skirt... between the three of us, we managed to pick up a pair of shoes (those ballet pumps thingys that are so the rage these days), one blue / green skirt, a turquoise top, brownish pants, jeans, another green top and yes... a white skirt. Not that much for a whole six hours in the crowd, really. I thought there was quite a bit of discipline shown.

Now I digress... the co-relation... well... we were looking for the perfect skirt right? That's how people look for the perfect relationship. They try, it doesn't fit, we move on again... and again... and again... and in the event that something somewhat fits (like the pair of jeans), but there is one criteria that doesn't quite make it (the length), we alter it to cater to us! So, assuming, that people have the same attitude about shopping as to relationships, i.e. we won't buy till it fits or until I can alter it so that it fits ME... no wonder that there are so many failed relationships / marriages right?

Guess what I feel is that we all generally think about changing our circumstances, our other halves to fit us. Perhaps, the lesson being that relationships, unlike shopping, should be about working together to find a fit, rather than a one sided pursuit of perfection?

Monday, January 23, 2006

Stefanie Sun Concert

Know that this is a little belated, but needed to blog this down so that I will remeber...

Jan 14th 2006 - watched Stef Sun in concert at the national indoor stadium with Sharon and Lynn... wonderful. Always liked her songs, her voice... but really never imagined that she could sing so well! The last concert I went to at the indoor stadium was American Idol 3... and guess what? I think Stef beat them all flat! Her pitch was perfect, she wasn't shouting... and she got the crowd grooving (or as much as a Singapore crowd will groove) :)

Admittedly, she was alot more natural when singing the ballads, but I definitely could appreciate the effort put in the dances. And I guess, given the recent events, the ballads just seemed more appropriate, and I think it was just easier to emote. Lynn commented that this entire concert did not really seem to be for the fans, but for a specific someone. Nevertheless, I think there were no complaints from her fans (who spanned all ages and had an equal gender balance). And yes, she was definitely more comfortable in jeans or pants... there was such a stark difference. Put her in a dress and she was oh so unnatural, stiff and proper.... but when she was in jeans or pants, she would start prancing around the stage. Doesn't she remind you of anyone perchance?

For me, I think the highlight of the entire concert was when she sang 原點 live with Tanya... pure heaven, or at least for me. Think some would know that the first time I heard the song I was sort of captivated... this is one song that to me really tugs at the heartstrings. There is just this feeling of loss, of helplessness, and yet, at the end of it all, of the understanding that when it comes to love, there really is no right or wrong, and that we should all capitalize on what we have, and treasure the opportunities that come by. Well, although they weren't really capturing this "mood" live, it was just a great pleasure listening to two of our best singers singing together, enjoying what they do.

I am so not cut out for this

So... what have I been doing for the past week? Studying... was hard at work attending my CPA course... which in a way, is like a passport for me. Technically, this allows me to pursue whatever I want to do work wise, be it continuation in the accounts line, or branching out of it. Should be really happy that it is over, right? After all, this course was one of the contributing factors to me joining my current company.
Well... what can I say. The course itself was enjoyable enough. With the 101 changes in the accounting standards, auditing standards, tax law, and company law... there was enough new material to fully occupy my entire attention. And knowing that an exam was due at the end of the course, you can't help but pay attention right?
Day of exam... sitting staring at that paper... it was really deja vu. Why is it that everytime I look at an accounts paper, fear just sweeps over me? There's a never ending amount of calculation questions, leaving you with no room whatsoever for painting the various scenarios, possibilities, etc. everything is so definite... including the conclusion: you either know the answer, or you don't. Doesn't take too much intelligence to know which side I stand on.
So yuppers... not so sure whether I will clear the paper or not... but one thing is fairly certain at this point. I cannot possibly do pure accounts any more... I will go bonkers!!! Coming back to work, facing my not so many emails, but yet the tedium of work beckons.
Oh... colleague of mine just left and we are not getting a replacement. Establishment's lovely "people development" department has decided that her work can be filled by a temporary placement like forever. Sighs... let me know when a temp is willing to work till 9 every day and come in on weekends.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The weekend meetup - part two

All right... I hope there were people that realized that part two was missing... It's late on a Wednesday night, and I am at work despite being in a rather foul mood this morning. Morning started miserably with an SMS at 830am. Can't stand it, why is it that the first messages in the morning are always bad news? Anyway, commented that I can't blog no more coz I'm tired, so a colleague recommended that I blog this: "I am too tired to blog, I hate work" Sweet and concise... lovely. :)

Well, at the end of the day felt that I really should finish blogging about my weekend. After all, playing catch up with these folks don't really happen all that often and I would like to remember it 3 months down the road. Must say that I enjoyed the 3rd meetup session most... perhaps coz at the end of the day I am closest to him.

We arranged via a string of calls and text messages to meet at Brewerkz. It was an old haunt, which we visited many a time during his stay here. Must say that I've not actually been there in like a year or so? Imagine my surprise when I realized that it has really really expanded... I swear the entire Riverside Point is Brewerkz territory now. (of course, with its selection of clientele, this makes it kind of a bomb threat as well) No prizes for guessing the itinerary for the night... idea was to have a night of boozing.

Meeting time - 8pm. Arrived slightly early with Jules... and took a walk around the area. Received a call telling me that the rest of the party will be late (surprise, surprise) S came next and in true Singaporean style, we started plotting what to order so as to make best use of the happy hour promotion.

825pm - Little bro finally arrived with his UK friends in tow.... Nim, Charlotte and Sophie... and they all met coz they were playing badminton together in uni. Well, Nim, Charlotte and Sophie decided that they did not wanna do beer that night (how can you not drink beer at Brewerkz), and ended up ordering a round of Singapore Sling. The rest of us ordered two jugs and yup, the night started.

Halfway through pint no 2, the conversation was as follows:
Nim: what's our plan for the rest of the night
K: not sure, ask the hostess
Me: just thought that we will just chill
Nim: can I tell you my suggestion. Let's go pub crawling. Where's the longest stretch of bars in Singapore. Let's head down there, randomly walk into a pub, spend half and hour there, order a drink, and head on to the next pub
Me, Jules and S: erm... okay
And off we went to Boat Quay.

Well, to cut the long story short...
Part 1 - Beer and Singapore Sling at Brewerkz
Part 2 - Semboka at Mad Flemmings
Part 3 - Vodka shots at Eski Bar
Part 4 - Mai Tai and Beer at Random pub
Part 5 - Tequilla shots at Shin Bar
Part 6 - ... GMax Reverse bungy for... the gals (yes, the guys chickened out)
Part 7 - Beer again at pub right next to the bungy jump
Part 8 - Supper at Newton Circus.

At that point of time... the only coherent thought in my head was... there was no way I was gonna be able to get up the next morning and meet them at 12 for shopping. (at the back of my mind, there were a million other thoughts, all along the lines of I am not young anymore and these english pple sure can drink) Miraculously, did manage to get up with no signs whatsoever of a hangover... and we spent a whole three hours at Wisma / Taka all thanks to the rain that never did let up.

Must say that although bringing them around did take up the majority of my weekend, I was really quite happy. It felt nice talking to an old friend about old times, laughing at the little incidents that happened, and mostly wondering how we managed to find time to hang out in spite of the crazy working hours back then. Although we've not really had an opportunity to talk much over the last three years, it seemed as though time had stood still for us... there were no awkward silences, conversation flowed and yes, there was still and understanding... and of course, he looked just as young as ever, albeit a little thinner (*sigh* some people are just so lucky) The plan now is to finally go UK for a visit, hopefully in June / July. Time to seriously start saving money!!!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The weekend meetup - part one

Hmmm... okay, so it wasn't really the entire weekend persay, but yuppers... have completed two of my three dinners... typing this just before I go meet my little bro for our catch up session. Must say I entered the first of the three meetups with a little apprehension... after all it's been three years... will we still have anything to talk about, will there be awkward silences, will all conversation halt in half an hour... or *gasp* will we even recognize each other!!! (Yes, I know, have been told very often by a certain individual that I am very 'drama')

First Meeting
So, the first of the three outings occured on Thursday night... was actually almost nearly late as I was trying to finish some presentation slides at work. I reached Orchard MRT exactly on time, and wow... she was already there! (what a rarity these days) I seriously think she looked exactly the same... singlet - check, long sleeve shirt - check, pants - check, backpack - check, huge grin - check, big hug - check yet again. :) For a moment, found myself ten years younger...
Of course, the evening started with a big hug (how can it not), and resulted in many stares... did I ever ever tell you that she still looks very cute!!! (this is the 16 year old me speaking) But seriously, it was the start of a rather enjoyable evening. She was having a case of the sniffles, so we decided to eat something hot... and ended up at the Sun and Moon at Wheelock Place. Have heard alot about the food here, and you know what... I really did enjoy the dinner... my teppanyaki was perfect!!!
So over the next couple of hours, we started talking about the past... how we met (we still can't figure this one out), the common friends and where they are now (funny: we don't really have many common friends, so how did we meet?) In the end, we kind of just concluded that one must have walked up to the other and just started talking (hahaha). Well, the long and short of it is that I had a great time, and we resolved not to wait another three years before meeting up.

Second Meeting
Hmmm... so part two... well, we were texting each other the entire day trying to figure out a good time and place to meet. After all, he of the fluid timeline had about a zillion things lined up for the night, and not sure where to place what. Finally decided to meet at this place called International Building, and *gasp* he was early as well!!!
Must say that this outing didn't go as well as the meeting the day before. Perhaps it was due to the fact that his friends were just sitting at another table? Oh well... we talked some, but it really was of that distant variety... the we are keeping in touch because we have known each other for so very long, but really... we don't know much about each other anymore do we? Funnily enough, vas we talked, we realized that in the past three years, we've both gotten to know more common friends!!! It just makes our circle smaller and smaller by the year.
Glad to say that he seems to be doing well at work... definitely one that has lived up to his potential. Not saying that he can't do more in future, but just glad that he has kept on track. So after dinner, we headed over to Borders, and the plan was for me to join him and his friends for some drinks at The Loof... but at the end of the day, I decided to go and join Jules and his colleagues instead. THAT was a disastrous decision, as it ended up with my Friday night going bad... but I shall leave that for another long long post.
So, yuppers... two meetings down, all quite enjoyable, and am really looking forward to meeting little bro!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

That Fast Food Craving

Hmmm... you know how as a kid you definitely had to eat Macs? Well, my parents aren't big fast food fans (which parent is), so I didn't get my weekly dosage as a kid. Now, as a teenager... I think I had fast food at least twice a week, when I was hanging out with my mates at... where else, Toa Payoh Central! :)
Now most people grow out of that need to eat fast food... but... I confess I haven't! Since starting work (so very long ago), I've been looking for colleagues who would relent and accompany me for a fast food fix every once in a while. This was not an issue at my last job, where there have been certain other individuals that needed a "happy meal" to brighten up their day. And to think that access to Macs back then always required some form of transport of other! These days, there is a Macs right next to my office building... but... no one is willing to indulge! Think I have received many a look of disdain everytime I suggested Macs for lunch. Apparently, that word is taboo, and is only acceptable when one is in a rush (aka when there is lunch time shopping to be done, e.g. Mango sale).
So the very deprived me ended up at KFC last night for dinner... and looking at the way I dug into my mash and coleslaw... the comment given was "are you very hungry?"... Well, not hungry, but very deprived. :) Am feeling happier now that I've had my junk food (whoever said that I was an 'atas' eater!), and am all set to tackle my long day ahead. But well, sitting next to me at KFC was a whole bunch of JC students... for those who are too old to remember, it's orientation week, and all the different OGs are having their hangout session... and I was hit by this thought: these "kids" are a whole 10 years my juniors in school! How's that for making you feel ancient.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Long Lost Friends Weekend

Happy!!! Had three unexpected calls / emails over the past few weeks... and yuppers, am gonna meet up with a couple of folks that I have not seen in years! So actually this post goes out to my usual gang... guys, just in case you were wondering (as if) where I disappeared to.
First up... am doing dinner with a secondary school senior? Clues: I used to lament that she should just be a guy... after all, she's the one who watched one of my first tennis matches, sent me back home when I twisted my ankle, who tried counselling me when I had a tiff with my mum, and whom, after so many years, never fails to remember my birthday, surprising me with flowers (when I thought she was overseas), and a birthday song... but, well, she's a gal and am just glad that we're finally meeting up! Think the last time I saw her was three(?) years back?
Second... got a call yesterday, from an unknown number... cool... another person I got to know in my secondary school days. Someone with whom I shared many "firsts" with... (my gosh, these days there are really hardly any first time experiences, are there?) Think we are a fine example of how small Singapore is... throughout the last eleven years, there have just been so many common friends, so much so, that althoug he has not been in Singapore since after JC, it's really not that difficult to keep track of each other. Having said that, think it has again been three years since we last went out together... so, yes, am looking forward to it.
Lastly, just received an email today... from... my little bro in UK. Knew he was gonna come down to the region, but he did say that he would not have time to visit boring old Singapore (actually am sure this place gives him nightmares). He's coming down for the weekend... to bar crawl... am not sure he's gonna appreciate the mohd sultan scene anymore really... haha... but well, we can try.
Coincidentally, it appears as though I've not met any of the above in the past three years... can only conclude that I must have gone into hiding... :) oh yeah, and someone commented that my last post was extremly blonde... think he's gonna freak out at this one!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

My semi blotched weekend plans

I had a fairly simple plan for the long weekend in 2006 - read, sleep and exercise... Somehow or other, as is often the case, I did not really achieve these simple goals.
Firday night started with just one drink and plenty of chicken wings at The Loof... and then a friend dropped by... and next thing I knew, I was at KBox (yes, again!) and we sat there mostly watching MTVs till three in the morning. So much for sleep.
New Year's Eve... countdown cum anniversary celebration with ze parents... and was off to bed early (kind of anyway)... but what do you know, thanks to our excellent network providers, I had well wishes from friends coming in all the way till 4am in the morning! No thanks to my intelligent phone, which will not stop reminding you that you have an unread message (I still cannot figure out why the designers thought that it is such an important feature), I tossed and turned some, finally switched my phone off... fell asleep, only to be woken up a couple of hours later as my maid had accidentally set off the house alarm.
Did anyone even take a look at the weather over this weekend? It was sporadic rain the entire long weekend... Everytime I packed my bag to go for a swim, the rain would fall again... Of course, as usual, today's weather looks all clear and sunny. I really need to just stop working... for a month!
That I did do... finished an entire book from start to end yesterday... gosh, what a sense of accomplishment!
All in, actually thought that I felt quite relaxed and able to battle the day ahead... but guess what, all my "positive" feelings disappeared the moment I saw the email from my boss... what is her problem? Sighs... Or maybe it's just me... need to understand how to work here.