Friday, February 06, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I remember when I first heard about the show… I was curious, and was bugging (of sorts) someone to catch the movie with me. Of course, I proceeded to hunt for the book to take a read. Having finished the book (or rather short story), my enthusiasm took a slight dip. After all, how interesting could a short story made life be? There just did not seem to be enough meat.
Boy was I wrong. As promised, we caught the show and it was GOOD! There was quite a bit of dramatic license taken here and there, and of course, there were the similarities to Forrest Gump, but… I was duly and thoroughly touched.

So what did I like?

  1. The love story… but of course.
  2. The parallel between the two lovers, one aging and one getting younger. I especially liked the fact that we got to see both at the brink of death, one as a babe, one as an elderly lady. Which is the better way to go? It’s as though the audience gets to make that choice for themselves. The instance before death, it seemed as though both managed to recollect their entire life and most of all, the love they had for each other.
  3. As Daisy said in the show, I am glad that they did not get together when she was 26. I liked the fact that they finally fell for each other when they were equals. But were they? After all, she was no longer “perfect” whilst he, outwardly at least, was.
  4. That it portrays reality. The baby gal was the determining factor that caused their separation. Think before you leap.
  5. The carefree years in their little corner duplex. That’s exactly how I picture couples totally in love to be. Waking up when you want to, staying up the entire night, chatting till dawn, very comfortable in each other’s company.
  6. That love, does not need to be in your hands for it to exist. You may not even recognize it as love, but the strings are tied. That at times we need to learn from life before we can appreciate loving and being loved. That your time together may have lapsed, but yet, the attachment is there.

For the record, I did not like Titanic (even though it was another love story), and I did not cry whilst watching Forrest Gump. But TCCoBB brought out the most “romantic” / “emotional” part of me. Maybe it was 'coz this was a love story that I could understand. Finally, a movie rendition which I enjoyed more than the written version. Definitely a must watch movie for me.


Blogger Jookette said...

Ok i din wanna watch the show at first... but ur review just changed all that! I hope ur review will be worth my while babe! And lunch soon! Loads to tell u.

10:54 PM  

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