Saturday, January 03, 2009

And so I had my 2nd late friday... so so so sleepy. But I think the girls had fun *I hope*. Introduced the gang to xmm, now we have one more little girl to add to our buddies!

It's been a while since we hit the clubbing scene, and as usual, it was coz there was an "emergency" of sorts. Am happy to announce that this time round, everyone turned up and L & S were dressed up! Woopie, and we had quite a bit of fun drinking at Wine Bar. The flaming "dare" will stay in my life for sometime to come. The alcohol was flowing (I was tallying up my receipts this morning *gulp*), and there were many many shots consumed. Hee, when the trays arrived, I was quite tickled.

Amazingly, none of the girls got drunk! In fact, I think they had a successful night partying. Hope that they managed to forget the unpleasant stuff for a while, and that the new year also marked the road to recovery. However, I must admit, on the way back, I could not help but wonder, am I immune? Or... am I always meant to be trouble free? Would anyone care? I seem to be stuck in my state of watching but not feeling of late. Hee... and then my phone rang, it was a simple text that said "home safe?" 'twas enuff to warm my heart... and I kinda thought, little obstacles in life can always be overcome.


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