Sunday, August 03, 2008

All about shopping

Yes, this is a shopping entry. Though I was supposed to stay in and work today, I ended up hitting the shops again. I seriously think I've spent half my pay this month on the shops. Tee Hee.

HK is a land of pretty short skirts and bags. The pretty bags are really driving me slightly insane... there's an Agnes B in almost every shopping centre, and everyone on the streets from the little 14 year old BOY to the 58 year old auntie is carrying something nice and fashionable. Wait, even the Filipino domestic helpers are carrying nike, adidas or puma bags. But then with their considerably higher salary (about SGD 800/mth), I guess they are more able to afford the bags. Surprisingly though, I've only bought 3 bags and two skirts. Guess that's what happens when you are spoilt for choices... no one bag/skirt shines through.

One thing about being here for so many days is that I've been given the opportunity to "explore" hong kong fashion. Whilst past shopping expeditions have been very much centred on familiar brands already available in SG... this time round, most of my purchases have been from brands which I've never looked at before. Upon the cuz's gf's recommendations, I checked out Island Beverely... it's like a cross between Far East Plaza and Siam Centre, full of local designers and where the main consumers are locals rather than the world's fav tourists ("WFT"). It was really interesting to look at the differnt shops... and of course I bought things that I would normally have never considered. Not gonna say that I changed my "style" totally... coz that would require me to have a fashion consultant along, but, I did buy some "weird" stuff. Btw, I realised on this trip that hk gals are all so slim... I seriously think that average BMI is like 16-17.

Started wondering what it was about HK that always had me shopping so much. It's definitely not coz things are cheap here... So, after much consideration, here's my "list":
1) Sale is good... so you get to buy stuff from brands which you would never do normally.
2) Shops are huge... thus, selection is huge. If each brand had 100 items, you are bound to find something that you like
3) Service is good... when you have good service staff that pick up things that suit you, or match that pants or top that you pick... you end up buying way more than that original top/pants.
4) The weather. It's scorching here. The other day it went up to 37 degrees. With that weather, you are "forced" to seek refuge in the shopping centres, and get assualted by the 3 pts above.

So yes, that's my excuse for having spent this much $$. Currently, am pleased as punch with my purchases. Hopefully, will be able to wear them when I am back! Now, it's time to go back home so that I'll stop hitting the shops!


Blogger wanderinrhapsody said...

ah so that's where you've been! shopping in Hong Kong! hee..when are you coming back dear? Let's go for dinner with Miss Ene in our joint neighborhood soon! ;)

5:54 PM  
Blogger chiarezza said...

Hee.. yup. Am here purportedly for work... but... how to resist the summer sale! Will be back coming Tues. Why joint neighborhood? You moved? Hee.. you can update me about bringing the boy home! :)

6:13 PM  

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