Sunday, June 22, 2008

Comedy of Errors

Last night started out with a couple of missed appointments, first with Miss ED who fell asleep after texting me about dinner and movie, then with the BEB and L (mayhaps this was a tad more contrived).

As it ended up, was at Borders browsing books until the two S's came along to have dinner (at 10pm!) and we went down to our usual haunt for some good wine. Miss Shanghai was so longing for some "fine" red wine that we ended up opening a bottle of red that was packaged like a champagne. For a moment, I really feared for my wallet. Can tell that S really missed being in Singapore... wonder if I "channel" the same feeling everytime I am back as well. Anyways, we made a date to enjoy the 1996 Mosswood the next time. Hee... time to get well soon!

This morning, we were supposed to have a "healthy" and "slimming" morning playing tennis followed by a swim but the rain came down. Sis, ZM, the Skunk and I did the total opposite and had a huge breakfast (more like lunch) of eggs, french toast, bacon and potatoes at... roberston quay! That's twice in 12 hours. Haha... The food at Epicurious was really quite good and it made for an affordable way to spend a lazy Sunday morning... but I really need to get my exercise soon!

Am gonna give Dad his belated Fathers Day prezzie tonight... am so excited to see his reaction!


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