Thursday, April 17, 2008

A sense of freedom

Not too sure how this is possible, but I actually feel "busier" now that I'm enjoying my break! There's so much that I want to do with all my time... and yes, so little time to do it. Have been sleeping the sleep of the exhausted (> 8 hours a day), and in between trying to clean up little bits of the house, packing a little, going out for lunch with mummy (supper yummy meal!), shopping with friends, going for tai tai massages and various catching up sessions (I finally have time!), and going for my stamina training swim sessions... I am still trying to squeeze out the time to re-organize my CD collection, and to sort out the various papers that I have been throwing here and there. Feel as though I can do this forever.. the wake up everyday and just do a bit of what you wanna do... stressless, but busy... gives me alot of time to just spend on myself. Hee... and I think really in the past month, I've become happier, as I started coming to terms with my various decisions. Was uploading photos of my last week or so... oh my gosh.. I think I've put on all the weight that I lost in the past half a year... look exactly the way I did when I first joined the firm... Must be all the good food.  

It appears as though it's still the period of resignations and various friends have been asking me if they should move. It's a tad like the property market.. everyone's anticipating a fall, and so are wondering if they should still hold out for a better offer or to make a decision now. My opinion to most... well... go with your heart. Happiness I think is the most important. 

Was passed "The Kite Runner" to while my time away... something that I really wanted to watch, but... not too sure if I wanna watch it alone. It's gonna make me cry!!! And I'm not sure that's something I want to do alone. Hee... it's like reading War and Peace alone. Hmmm... got two more weeks to ponder about it.

Talking about not being alone... had a great time with MT last nite, talking and watching American Idol (amazing how the boys can do mariah better than the gals), and of course drinking wine... next thing I knew it was midnight. Ahh... nights like these...


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