Sunday, March 30, 2008

Appreciating.. the little momentos

Been a rainy weekend, and I started sifting through my collection of books, music, photos.. trying to find something different. Came across couple of CDs, songs and books that reminded me of various people. It's a little like letters... you know, when we were in Secondary school, there were these little notes that we would write to each other, intricately folded into various shapes... well, as we grow older, guess there were songs and books that we would share with friends. 

Currently listening to a CD given to me containing songs by Lisa Loeb amongst others. Could not help feeling that as we move along, priorities change and that's how we always meet new people. Guess I won't be getting a new CD from the same person anytime soon as I know our dynamics have shifted, and I guess moved on? At times, looking back at the old memories, always wonder why certain relationships just drift apart. Is it coz we don't put enough effort? However, think I am learning how to treasure the experience of knowing someone while it lasts, and to stop hankering after forever. After all, for every touch and go, there is a relationship there will always be one that sticks. Like me and SY, we've been partners in crime since the age of 8?, and though we don't meet all that often, there never seems to be any gap to close whenever we do. 

Perhaps all this reminiscing is due to the fact that the gang is in the land Down Under currently getting themselves all tipsy sans me and little bunny. As a group, we've managed a couple of holidays together, and it would have been nice to add one more to the bag. Unfortunately, really don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon... not until the bunny baby grows a little older I suppose. And by then... who knows... the skunk might be banned from associating with us for good. 

Think I saw A at the coffee shop the other day.. looks the same, but a tad older. Either I've completely changed or it was a choice not to recognize me.. wonder why it's often the older people who find it so hard to face up to their emotions.   


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