Friday, April 18, 2008


Time for yet another recharge session... am off for my holiday! Amazing thing is this time round, I've not planned what's gonna happen after Day 4. Yup, the control freak has just decided to let things happen. And not just for this holiday too! Hee.. though I admit that it's really hard to do. 

Holidays have always been special, and I think it applies to everyone... this time round, find it all the more meaningful as there's been so much on my mind the past couple of months. Finally believe what they say about growing up in a very short span of time. 

The Skunk has always looked at me going abroad with a certain amount of skepticism coz... hmmm... that's our little secret. Well bestest, unfortunately, I think it's gonna happen again. Can feel myself gearing for it already. Yes, I know, hiaz... 

Been listening to Unfold on repeat... very poignant lyrics and something that is so easy to relate to. 

My soul
It's dying to be free
I can't live the rest of my life
so guarded
It's up to me to choose
What kind of life I lead

So what was the choice? If I do, will you do so once again?

All right peeps... you all take care of yourself, and don't get into any trouble whilst I am away! 

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I gave up everything to be with you. 
And I will gladly do so, if only you will let me know
Want things to be back the way they used to be

Sometimes the simplest words are the most difficult to say... but they really convey the most.

In absence, things are oft easier to forget
We think of ourselves as stronger
Then, there is a meeting
A realization that things aren't over
Memories are back
Emotions too
So much intimacy now so distant
Trying to drown myself in words
Looking but not reading
Everything thrown aside
Then the separation
Friends fail to comprehend
But nothing matters
Craving for that connection again

A sense of freedom

Not too sure how this is possible, but I actually feel "busier" now that I'm enjoying my break! There's so much that I want to do with all my time... and yes, so little time to do it. Have been sleeping the sleep of the exhausted (> 8 hours a day), and in between trying to clean up little bits of the house, packing a little, going out for lunch with mummy (supper yummy meal!), shopping with friends, going for tai tai massages and various catching up sessions (I finally have time!), and going for my stamina training swim sessions... I am still trying to squeeze out the time to re-organize my CD collection, and to sort out the various papers that I have been throwing here and there. Feel as though I can do this forever.. the wake up everyday and just do a bit of what you wanna do... stressless, but busy... gives me alot of time to just spend on myself. Hee... and I think really in the past month, I've become happier, as I started coming to terms with my various decisions. Was uploading photos of my last week or so... oh my gosh.. I think I've put on all the weight that I lost in the past half a year... look exactly the way I did when I first joined the firm... Must be all the good food.  

It appears as though it's still the period of resignations and various friends have been asking me if they should move. It's a tad like the property market.. everyone's anticipating a fall, and so are wondering if they should still hold out for a better offer or to make a decision now. My opinion to most... well... go with your heart. Happiness I think is the most important. 

Was passed "The Kite Runner" to while my time away... something that I really wanted to watch, but... not too sure if I wanna watch it alone. It's gonna make me cry!!! And I'm not sure that's something I want to do alone. Hee... it's like reading War and Peace alone. Hmmm... got two more weeks to ponder about it.

Talking about not being alone... had a great time with MT last nite, talking and watching American Idol (amazing how the boys can do mariah better than the gals), and of course drinking wine... next thing I knew it was midnight. Ahh... nights like these...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Never thought to see again

Hmmm... I am now 99.9% sure that my sighting of A at the coffee shop the other day really did take place. Due to a super duper long conference call, I went to the store downstairs to grab a really late lunch (tuna salad, peanut butter doughnut, and a yummy cuppa of latte)

Hand totally filled with all the various items, I was walking back to the building when I saw someone on the phone. Hmmm... I may have bad face recognition abilities, but I suppose there's no way you can mistake a person's voice... So, I smiled at him... and it's pretty funny the way recognition dawned on his face. I could almost swear that he turned a slight shade of white, and I know that his eyes followed me all the way to the elevator.

Nope, I did not do anything to this really old guy. Gosh... it's been almost 5 years since we last met each other (I can't remember where though). But yeah, he looked as though I was a ghost ... and I remained tickled for the rest of the day.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Turning the Last Page of a Chapter

Was given Sophie's World as a present for Christmas... for some reason, there was an inertia when it came to this particular book. Kept finding a correct time to start reading, and in the past month, a time to finish the book. Maybe for some reason, I just connected the book with a whole series of other items... and if the book ended, then so too will all those other connectors end.

But endings do come, and in the past couple of weeks I have been having a series of farewell lunches and drinks. Despite all the "celebrations", I've been having problems picturing myself leaving. It's kind of disconcerting how things are changing yet remaining the same all simultaneously. There's no handing over there are still endless meetings and review sessions, and yet, little by little, there is a conscious effort to no longer be involved in the daily comings and goings.

Was asked the other day why I was leaving... and I admit for that brief moment I got stumped. Simplistically, I suppose, I could say that I was thinking about the future. But as I considered matters a couple of hours later, I can truthfully say that a lot of the reasons which prompted the decision just nary two months ago are no longer applicable. Would I then do things differently if I could turn back the clock?

It never fails to amaze me when I think back how I've traveled so far only to go in one big circle. A little like what Andy Lau's character says in the Three Kingdoms. Questions arise, and there's a lot of "what for", but I think like the character in the movie, I will go out with a smile on my face as I've rediscovered my memories...

Reading the emails, recollecting events from the past, yes... we're back at square one, but there have been changes as well. And with all recollections, I only remember the sweet ones. There have been friendships made, it remains a question how long we will stay in touch, but the people I've met here have left their mark in my book of memories. Definitely won't be able to walk past Suntec again without thinking fondly of my team, the seventeenth floor will always remind me of review sessions, conference calls and Japanese lessons... and I'll always remember Coffee Bean at Millenia, Mount Sophia, Scarlet Hotel, Bugis Street, and of long walks and the many conversations. 

The past two years have been a learning experience. Will always be grateful to my boss for bringing me in, just like I'll always feel a tad guilty for leaving before the job is fully complete. But we make our choices, and I've always been a reactionary creature. Coming full circle, I've lost and gained, and hopefully one outweighs the other. For ever hour toiling, I've also grown in terms of capability. For every tear that I've shed, I learnt something about myself. So yes, will always be grateful for the lessons that I've learnt, and for the people who have come into my life and taught me those lessons. 

As I read my way through Sophie's world , I find myself asking a lot of questions... just as Sophie did. And there is a realization that life is really a journey of self realization. Not too sure if I'm right, but reading the book, I could not help but feel that Sophie keeps looking for a sign / any sign to prove that she's real, and not just someone's figment of imagination. Not too unlike my own experience, searching for a sign that I'm not just a transient character, and that I've left my own mark.

Guess it's time to just finish the book, and to find out the story ends. :)

A little Bohemian Rhapsody

Went on a date with my daddy tonight... watched We Will Rock You at the Esplanade! Now my head is filled with all the songs from the musical!!!

Wanted to watch it the moment I received the mailer months back... but... I could not find another willing party who wanted to spend the $$$. Then Dad mentioned it a while back, and the whole family tried to find an available date for the show. However, little sis and mum decided that they would rather spend the moolah on shopping, hence it became just Dad and me. Kinda made sense as only the two of us would recognize the songs.

Definitely enjoyed the show... Despite "reviews" from Skunk who said that he preferred MaMa Mia, I went with certain expectations, and boy were they met. Throughout the almost three hour long "sing along", I found myself pretty much enjoying the entire flow. It helped that the seats were really good (fifth row from the front, smack in the centre)... am so glad that I decided to treat Dad and myself to really good tickets, and the crowd was excellent (everyone was game for a little bobbing along), and Dad was really good company. It's actually pretty difficult to find someone to watch all the plays / musicals with me coz not everyone enjoys them / is willing to pay for them. So yup, thankfully Dad was game for a night out, else I would have missed a very good production.