Monday, August 27, 2007

Lovely Weekends

Every once in a while, you get a couple of days that feel just so perfect. Well, for me, last weekend was definitely it. Despite the numerous things that Jules and I were attempting to finish, we actually had quite a lot of fun doing it. Yes, it was hectic... but... we had each other's company (altogether now: Awww...) I have hence decided that oft' it's the attitude in which we face things that matter, it really does change our entire outlook.

Actually, the "weekend" did not start all too well. Was supposed to hang out with the friends on Fri nite after Jappie class... but... it got CANCELLED! Have not seen them for the whole week (haha... yes... one week is a long time to me), and was looking forward to hanging out. Then, Jules got stuck in traffic, and when he finally arrived, he was grouchy. But I guess we settled for just hanging out at the kopitiam near my house, eating vegetables and drinking beer, and chit chatting. Think the boy is rather excited about a possible new prospect... will definitely keep my fingers crossed for him.

Weekend was errand filled... we had to collect wedding cards, send 2nd batch of cards to the printers (I think I have broken the record of how much a couple should be spending on their wedding cards), go for swim, have dinner with family (the buffet at Bar and Billiard Room is absolutely yummy), collect the watch (I've now got a Rado watch... woohoo!), collect the photos (my sis says I don't look like me... sighs), collect the envelopes, finalize guest list, return the library books and after all that... we had to go catch "King & I" (A date!). Despite all that... I still managed to buy a new bag!!! Hee... so now, I've got a new watch, a new bag and a new pair of shoes. :)

Not sure what made the weekend so good... mayhaps it was coz both of us were able to put the work day behind us... after all, a $10 parking charge for 2 hrs of parking, bad traffic and squeezing in orchard would normally put the two of us in a bad mood... maybe it was coz the swimming was good... or maybe, just maybe, coz for me, he displayed this uncanny ability to read my mind. Whatever the reason, I really did enjoy spending the two whole days with him... if only married life will always be this good.


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