Wednesday, July 25, 2007


So miss this idle typing... Am currently waiting for Miss L to call me for lunch... and so have decided to skive a little. Well, Jul 21st marked the end of my "live out of a suitcase" days... at least I think so. Was nice to have ended off all the travelling with a holiday! And to my most dreamed about location... London!!! Ok, so I visited Switzerland and Paris as well, but London... that was really a dream come true.

So the holiday wasn't all that magnificient (*hint* I went with M****) but... all in all, I did enjoy parts of it. And I learnt about my limits... I even bought my first branded bag! Will definitely post pics of my wonderings... as soon as I find a suitably fast connection.

Conincidentally, the end of the holiday also meant starting a brand new "year" at work, since the company's year end was on 30 June. So, I finally received "The Letter", and had a full year's bonus after a long two years. The money's not in yet... but at least there was bonus. :) Think I'm still partially in shock... considering that when I first started my career, I don't think I ever imagined myself handling my current job scope. Well, just goes to show what you know when you are a young 21. Anyways, don't think my portfolio has changed all that much despite the promises, but I guess as usual, the expectations have increased. It still remains to be seen if I will be subjected to the immensely difficult and tiresome "H" job... at this point, am not even sure what I'll prefer really... since it will come with opportunites to travel... hmmm... ponder ponder... guess I'll just let the "powers that be" fight it out. The sad bit about "letter time" is that it's also when colleagues start leaving. Have been attending and will be attending way too many farewell lunches.

Three days back in the hectic rush of things in SG, and I've just discovered that there's so much left to do!!! All that work and emails, courses to attend... and of course, personal stuff. Alot of upheaval at home... causing alot of of upheaval and heightened tension. Sighs... where am I going to find time to settle all that house and wedding stuff??? Oh yes, wedding... I so NEED to lose weight! Chocolates in Swiss are definitely not good for prospective brides to be.

But as usual, am quite certain that things will sort itself out... now if only I can find someone to watch Transformers with me.


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