Monday, July 30, 2007

Back in the heat of things

So I had a pretty idyllic July work wise... it was just leave and catching up with friends. Well, now that the work year has officially kick started... it's time to get back into the action!!! (not that I have much of a choice).

It's funny how everything always seems to come together all at once. It just dawned on Jules and me this weekend that the BIG DAY is less than 3 months away!!! In this short little time, we now have to confirm our photographers, guest list, print the cards, figure out the timetable, plan the program, choose the music. On top of this, I've got to choose my contractor, buy furniture (so need to get a budget out!!!) And of course, I would finally need to move into a house that I can call my very own. In the meantime, my room and the attic has been turned into a temporary store room... and I have more or less given up on trying to make it appear neat. :)

As usual, once the personal stuff floods in... so does the work. For months, most of my colleagues have been swatting flies (okay... not really swatting flies, but being relatively "eng" as compared to most of our work days). Suddenly... we are swamped, and everyone is fighting tooth and leg for staff. I look at my list of "to do"items, and I just wanna turn tail and run. On top of all this, I now have to prepare a "presentation" for my instructor training course. Sighs... if I wanted to teach, I would not have joined this company, right? How am I supposed to tell my boss that I actual have a very real fear for public speaking? Hmmm...

So need to exercise... after running around Europe for like two weeks... I was starting to feel a tad fit. But two weeks of just eating in Singapore... and I feel like a piece of lard again. How am I gonna fit into the dresses!!!! Had this grand plan of going swimming twice a week (Miss ene and PR: if you gals are gonna try that school swim again, let me know k?), but will see how it goes... Heard a little rumour that I'm going back to China again. Arrrggh!!!

But of course, all these preparations are fun in a way. Being back at work gives my brain an excuse to work. And it is quite fun really... working in Singapore... no more speaking Chinese... no more trying to work at 12 midnight... And furniture shopping is cool!!! Tables, sofas, coffee tables... they are pretty. I try not to think about the collective price tag though... else I don't think I'm gonna buy anything.


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