Saturday, June 23, 2007

My Favourite TV Show

Have been watching tv quite a bit... what else is there to do here? Every friday here, I have been looking forward to this particular program "快乐男声". It's a talentime program, chock full of chinese songs. Currently, they are showing the Country Wide finals... and I've been watching it from 13 finalists to the current 5.

What can I say, this beats American Idol flat! The finalists all are very very talented. They can sing, can compose, are relatively good looking and some can even dance! I must admit that eveyr single week, my favourite keeps switching from one Singer to another. They show amazing dexterity and stamina, as they sing different songs every week... and multiple songs at that! The show lasts for an amazing 3.5hours.

Think the producers here are very good at what they do. They build a rapport between the audience and all the finalists... or maybe it's really got something to do with the chinese culture. Whilst watching the show, you will definitely see the following characteristics: humbleness, filial piety, very firm friendships and a really sincere and caring attitude towards their fans and all around. Somehow, I think it's not what we get when we are watching some other talentimes.

This week, despite the busy schedule of the competitors, they visited a very very poor village for two days, and brought joy and music to the villages. The conditions of the village... well, it just makes Jiangyin like another world altogether. I think once in a while, we need to be reminded about how well off we are. All that bickering and whining about our work conditions, our seemingly pathetic salary... well, there are people out there who are struggling to survive. And yet, they seem to find joy in their own little way. Guess it really brought home the point that there are many many things in life that we should really treasure.

Well, the results came out and this week 余灏明 was kicked out. Must say that I have never really been too impressed with his singing... not coz he does not sing well, but because very often, he pales in comparison with the other technically strong competitors. But he makes up for it by being a very sincere, down to earth person, cute as well. I think he performed well this week... coz his cantonese songs this week really tugged at my heart stings. Must say that when the results were announced, I totally understood why his many many fans were in tears.

Am gonna miss this show when I leave. (perhaps it's the only thing that I miss). Would have loved to watch the rest of the season, especially since the singing can only get better.


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