Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My August Extravaganza

August is and I hope will always be a busy month for me.... just like April always seems to be the month for new experiences, August seems to be the month where every activity will converge. Somehow, this August seems to be even more packed than normal. Besides the million and one people whose birthdays have to fall in August, it's also the time where all the wedding decisions have to be made, plus... I got the keys to my new house! Wow... if I were to breakdown all my activities for the month to date (it's not even the end of the month yet), it would be something like this:

2 to 3 Aug - Instructors Training Workshop @ Sentosa
Interesting soft skills course where I learnt alot about myself as a person interacting with people in both formal and casual settings. Guess I'm one of those that will always be reluctact to "start" a conversation. How am I ever going to get my "audience" to participate?

3 Aug (nite) - Jules Bday celebration @ Angel's Share
Am sure I definitely spelt this wrongly... but well, that's what I thought the name looked like. It's a new "wine" hangout place at Dempsey, and it's being managed by a friend of Jules. The full menu was not out that night (it should be by now), but I heard that it's gonna have like 2,000 different SKUs to choose from. We were sort of choosing wines for our wedding as well... so we opened like 4 bottles between 5 to 6 of us, and I was really tipsy that night. I liked the setting for the place, but in truth, I don't really like Dempsey now. Think it was alot nicer when we first started hanging out there... more of the rustic feel, less of the commercial overload. Of course, prices were cheaper then too. After all, where there is demand, prices will inevitably rise.

8 to 9 Aug - Technical training at Shangri-La, KL
This may seem rather deprived, but me and my fellow colleague could not stop raving about the accomodation and the buffet breakfast and lunch! :) It was a regional conference so the participants were from the different Asian countries. As most of them were more "senior" than us (read: the conference had a direct impact to the $$ that they were taking home), I guess we were treated to very good accomodation and meals (the best I've ever had in this job). But then again, the two of us small fries from Singapore are frequent visitors to "chugoku", so we have very low expectations. At the end of the two day training (note: never fly SQ to KL, it's really not worthe the money, as they don't even have time to serve you meals on board), I am sure I've gained some technically. At the very least, I do feel a tad more confident.

13 Aug - Keys!
I'm now "proudly" in debt! Finally drew down on my loan to make payment for the new place... very very nice! Big smiles. It's a resale place somewhere on the North East Line.

13 Aug (nite) - A Bday Celebration for a Special Miss @ Iggy's
I had the most expensive meal in my entire live today (yes... even more expensive than my romantic dinner at Vertigo). Some time ago when I was in China, I received an email informing me that we were going to Iggy's. I admit that at that point of time, I never really thought that it would take place (with the gang, nothing ever happens unless we specifically sit down and plan for it). But with the perseverence of the bday gal, we did manage to make a reservation... and *gasp* everyone was reasonably on time!
Not so sure that the food was really "ze best", but I think we all really had fun that night. As I said to T a couple of days later, am really glad that we all made the effort to turn up that night, coz the bday was really happy... and I haven't seen her "really" happy in a while. Well dear, best wishes, and may this year be the year of answers.

14 Aug - Japanese Classes @ The Office
The powers that be have decreed that we all need to be able to grasp basic japanese in order to complete our work. And so, it's been decided that we will have to commit our time (read: personal time), twice a week, from 6 to 8 pm to attend Jap classes. I must say though, I found the classes really fun coz a) my teacher is like an animae character, b) the "boys" in class are jokers, c) I know the people that I am attending the class with... However, I definitely did not count for the constant flow of homework and the weekly tests... and it does cover alot more than the leisure "basic conversational class" that I attempted to take earlier in the year. Jules says it's good that I am taking the class since we are planning to go to Tokyo. *hiaz* like I'll every be able to really "speak".

15 Aug - First visit to my new home
Jules and I took off in the middle of the day to visit our new place. It was quite exciting, as the Interior Designers also came down, and we talked a little about how we were going to do up the place. Took a couple of photos from the living room, and I guess I will post it up in due time. Think the highlight of the day was when we took a dip in the pool! Finally... after a decade, I've got a pool which I can jump into anytime I want again! *happiness*
Actually, prior to that afternoon, must admit that I was not very excited about the house. Accountant that I am, I just could not "get away" from the numbers, i.e. the cost of owning the house and doing it up. Besides, everything was just on paper... but after seeing the place, I can really start imagining making this place my very own haven. Next up, cooking lessons mayhaps?

18 Aug - Dress Fitting @ Tanjong Pagar
I finally "introduced" all my bridesmaids to one another for the first time, and we all had Jap food for lunch! I have been thinking of getting them day dresses for the big day for the longest time, but since no one was arranging, and I was plain lazy... I even toyed with the idea of forgoing everything. But... I suddenly thought that I really should make an effort to make this wedding "mine", and since there will be no replay (hopefully), I would need to get my butt moving!
Now that we had alot of fun that day, am glad I did it. Can imagine them looking really pretty in their white frocks (yes, we chose white despite all the protests... hee... I rule) I am now privy to the vital stats of all my friends! (I still cannot believe that S has a 22"waist!!!)

18 Aug (nite) - Dinner @ WildRocket, Drinks @ WildOats
It was bday celebrations again as J, T and I met up for dinner and drinks. I like WildOats... simply coz it's peaceful, a little like the old Dempsey (colonial houses, great surroundings, great music). The cocktails were really not too good though... they need to a) increase their menu b)get a new bartender.
It was nice hanging out with the old gang from work. Like we all commented that night, it's rare to find colleagues who "get" your joke before you even "crack" it. Having friends who understand you is rare, having colleagues who become friends who understand you is something to be really treasured. Everyone's really busy now, and it's hard to book the diaries of my two highflyers... but I'm glad they made time. Looks like there are few bumps in everyone's life, but I was impressed by the "positivity".

Phew... looking at all that I have typed, I wonder how I managed to get any work done. I still have a bday dinner tonight, Jappies to entertain next week (I really am getting a chance to taste all the good food this month).... August August, eventful u definitely are.


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