Thursday, October 26, 2006


At some point or other, we all seem to have caught on to the habit… some do it for a short span of their lives, well, for others it becomes a part of their life.

Am trying very hard to remember when I started… most probably on one of those forays in the car park with a bunch of gal friends. Think I most probably did not fancy the taste of beer back then… but then again, isn’t that the case with most addictions?

Do I consider myself addicted? Not in the I must have a “taste” each day sense… but it definitely has become part of my week’s routine. Inevitably, there will be a “chill out” session at some pub or other when the weekend draws near.

So, yes, I was out on yet another drinking session one night, when I noticed the following phenomenon.

Beer No. 1 – beer takes about an hour to finish
Beer No. 2 – beer takes 45 minutes to finish
Beer No. 3 – disappears after some sipping and some gulping
Beer No. 4 – disappears after a few, and I mean a few, gulps
Beer No. 5 – was it even there?
Been No. n – beer takes about an hour to finish yet again
n being the last beer for the night

Of course, the exact timing and number of beers it takes to pass from stage to stage is dependent on an individual’s drinking abilities and speed, but the pattern is there… oh yeah, it also depends on the individual’s mood on that particular drinking event, sometimes Beer No. 1 = Beer No. n

Why this sudden “revelation”? Well… the past couple of drinking sessions I was trying to mark the passage of time against the number of beers that I consumed, assuming that if it takes me an hour to finish the first beer, it would take me four hours to finish four beers.
But for some reason, the equation never worked out, and I ended up spending way more than 4 x $14 after a night of boozing.

Which brings me to whether we are actually able to discern the different types of beer, or are we just fooled by the different marketing gimmicks… It’s like people who claim to only drink Coke or Pepsi, and then fail to distinguish the two when blindfolded and doing a taste test… I wonder if we could run the same test for beer… Granted, it does not take much to pick up a Hoegarden from the rest of the beers, but to tell which is a Carlsberg and which is a Tiger? Oh well, that’s a possible program for the next drink session.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Ever made those resolutions during the New Year? I remember being very ambitious in those resolutions when I was young... these days, I try to be more realisitic in my resolution making. But as it is, think I've not been able to complete any of them, starting from the line that says "be more disciplined" and ending with the line that says "spend more time with my family". Actually, I think "be more disciplined" pretty much covers everything...

Now that the year is fast approaching it's end... I have only one "practical: resolution to make... need to do my CPA conversion before year end! It's tedious, and therefore my reluctance... but I cannot keep procrastinating forever... Oh, whilst I'm at it... I NEED to submit my advance diving licence form... come to think of it, I'm really a huge "dilly dallier"... *sighs*

On a less practical aspect, made a resolution earlier this year, but have totally failed in keeping it... well, better luck next year.

Shoulder ACHE!

Have actually been woken up by the pain in my shoulders the past couple of nights... gradually, as I embark on this assignment, I can't help but admit that I'm feeling the stress. Aching shoulders, breakouts, eye bags and... sleeping at night despite drinking coffee at 3.30pm are sure signs that I'm feeling the heat at work.

Funny thing is I really don't think the hours are all that bad... I actually knock off decently... between 7 to 9 on a daily basis... comparable to my last job, so why do I feel so burnt out daily?

Starters of course is that the current job requires tons more brain work than the last... Or maybe I'm still recovering from that "being stoopid" phase in life... brain ticks slower these days, so gotta work harder. Secondly, documentation is really a lot harder than it seems to be. My colleagues and I were lamenting that very same fact... On a daily basis, all of us seem to be poring over our work, but at the end of the day, we seem to have very limited output... Am actually doing a repeat cycle right now, and I thought that I could leverage on the work that I did last week... little did I know... nothing seems to be coming out right still... oh well, at least work is challenging.

The conclusion to this is... I'm getting old... and I so wish that I do not need at least 8 hours of sleep a day... there's so much that I want to do out of work, but have zilch energy to do... people I want to meet, cards I want to write, books I want to read... sighs... someone please give me another 24 hours in a day.

Oh no... christmas is creeping up... where am I gonna find the time to write the cards! Looks like I've got to be more selective this year. :)

Monday, October 16, 2006


It feels really as though I've been exiled... miss being online, miss meeting up with friends who work in RP, miss chatting with those that I don't meet often online.. Think that's a huge reason as to why I've been really quite unproductive at work these days. Coz when you really need a break to recharge you, there's no alternative given... so yeah, feel myself growing apart with each day.

Had another bad day at work again... Seriously think I'm starting to lose my memory... actually forgot the password to my office server today. And 14 hours later, I still have no recollection as to what it is... freaky... just downright freaky... need to go wash my brain, do some reformatting and clear some memory space.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Frustrating Day

Ever had one of those days where everything just went wrong? Well, today was just that for me... extremly frustrating. And I shall attempt to list out just some of the what went wrong:

i) It appears as though I've had a terrible sleep last night
ii) Suffering from bad skin, cracked lips, and super ultra bloatedness
iii) Everything I tried on just looked horrible. Ended up wearing crap to work
iv) Lost the visitor pass at work... almost had to pay $20
v) Was extremly unproductive despite tight as hell deadline
vi) Have not doen what my partner asked me to do. PROCRASTINATING because I can't seem to figure out how to do the simplest task.
vii) Totally forgot to bring my storybook home for my long bus journey, after repeatedly reminding myself.
viii) Freezing bus

In case you haven't figured it out by now, I am suffering from an extreme case of PMS. I can actually feel the grouchiness festering inside. Please let it pass soon... I need to work, and the manager has just asked me to complete my appraisal. *sighs* this is going to be my worst appraisal yet.

On the brighter side, had a marvellous time at Redang last week... will blog about it another time . Will not be able to do it justice in the current mood.