Monday, January 23, 2006

Stefanie Sun Concert

Know that this is a little belated, but needed to blog this down so that I will remeber...

Jan 14th 2006 - watched Stef Sun in concert at the national indoor stadium with Sharon and Lynn... wonderful. Always liked her songs, her voice... but really never imagined that she could sing so well! The last concert I went to at the indoor stadium was American Idol 3... and guess what? I think Stef beat them all flat! Her pitch was perfect, she wasn't shouting... and she got the crowd grooving (or as much as a Singapore crowd will groove) :)

Admittedly, she was alot more natural when singing the ballads, but I definitely could appreciate the effort put in the dances. And I guess, given the recent events, the ballads just seemed more appropriate, and I think it was just easier to emote. Lynn commented that this entire concert did not really seem to be for the fans, but for a specific someone. Nevertheless, I think there were no complaints from her fans (who spanned all ages and had an equal gender balance). And yes, she was definitely more comfortable in jeans or pants... there was such a stark difference. Put her in a dress and she was oh so unnatural, stiff and proper.... but when she was in jeans or pants, she would start prancing around the stage. Doesn't she remind you of anyone perchance?

For me, I think the highlight of the entire concert was when she sang 原點 live with Tanya... pure heaven, or at least for me. Think some would know that the first time I heard the song I was sort of captivated... this is one song that to me really tugs at the heartstrings. There is just this feeling of loss, of helplessness, and yet, at the end of it all, of the understanding that when it comes to love, there really is no right or wrong, and that we should all capitalize on what we have, and treasure the opportunities that come by. Well, although they weren't really capturing this "mood" live, it was just a great pleasure listening to two of our best singers singing together, enjoying what they do.


Blogger chiarezza said...

I was on the East side too!!! But way way further than the 3rd row... no $$$ :)yes... we could have met up.

9:00 AM  

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