Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Of a Macs Birthday and Bag Shopping

Attended a very interesting birthday celebration on Sunday... at this really ulu MacDonalds at Bukit Merah! Gosh... the last time I attended a Macs Bday party was... hmmm... fifteen years back? at Serene Centre I think.

So whose birthday were we celebrating? *Drumroll*............
A very "young" BEB's~~~

He tempted me with the Macs stationery. Haha.

It was fun though. These days birthday parties are always filled with elaborate dinners followed by copious amounts of alcohol. In a way, a party that started at 11.30am and ended at 2pm was refreshing indeed. On the guest list was a mixture of sec school friends and ex colleagues, and I think all had alot of fun laughing at old photos... There was still plenty of time to carry on with other errands (including packing the suitcase) after the birthday ended. Though I must say there were approximately 10 very sheepish adults that tried to creep out of the party room after, whilst the real kids waited their turn for the 2pm birthday party. I think we all took plenty of pictures that day (I definitely have not taken so many in a long long while), and I took my first pic with the BEB (under the Happy Birthday sign no less). To top off the entire childhood feel, we were all stranded outside the Macs due to the extremely heavy rain. Boy, it was secondary school times all over again.

So much for secondary school days... what isn't very secondary school was my bag spree part 2!!! New York went by in a flash, no thanks to the boss who decided that he had to milk our trip for what it was worth.... 9pm meetings meant that I barely caught a glimpse of the much hyped about city. I kinda regretted not forking out the extral moolah for another night's stay... but, well, there's always a second chance rite?

Anywyas, back to the bag spree... I was in search of a particular bag (have you ever heard of a Coach bag for guys?) which I saw on Coach website, so I ended up at the really big store on Madison. And... what can I say... I left a much poorer person. But I must say, alot of it was due to excellent service rendered by the staff there. Having found the bag in question, I was still very hesistant on purchasing it. The very nice "auntie" promptly requested that two of her male colleagues model it for me, catwalk and all. Seeing how the bags fit on my impromptu models, I must say that all my doubts vanished. And of course, there was the usual bag for myself, for mum, etc...

And to wrap all that off... I am now the "proud" owner of a new backpack! Haha... super branded one no less. The purchase was thanks to my mum's bad influence yesterday.


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