Friday, August 22, 2008

First Impressions of Mumbai

There just doesn't seem to be enough time to udpate my blog, keep in touch with friends/family as I bustle around the world. This time round though, I've shot off a couple of emails to my family... and so I thought, this would be a good way to kill two birds in one stone. This way at least, I have some ways of keeping my first thoughts of India.

Hi Hi,

I promised mummy that I'll send an email about my first impressions of Mumbai...

Hmmm... where do I start:

1) Flight & Arrival
I must admit that I never appreciated "Business Class" travel so much until this flight. On the trip to Aussie, the "sua ku" me did not know how to handle all the controls. This time round though, I could curl up and sleep (a little). More importantly though, it could keep me from the "reality" of going to Mumbai for a little while more, though it was really weird to hear all the plane announcements in Tamil(?)(I learnt after that it was in Hindi)

Upon my arrival at the airport... reality struck. The entire airport is still under construction. Hee Hee. But we actually went through immigration and baggage collection in a record fast time, so I must say I was rather impressed.

2) Trip to Hotel
Again, I was thanking my lucky stars that I am not travelling under Pxx policy as I cannot imagine having to take a local cab to the hotel. Will show you pictures when i get back, but there was no way the local cabs could take S's and my luggage! And this was the more expensive cab already! The cheaper versions are super run down tut tuts... I must say that China roads are much more developed than Indian ones, even the ulu parts of China that I go to... or maybe, it's just that the China roads are more well maintained... the roads and the buildings here are in terrible condition. Was just telling J last night that this has got to be the poorest living conditions that I have ever seen.

3) Everything else
Hotel is brilliant. As in comfy and smell-less. The service here is good and in general even the people on the streets are friendly. We were walking around like lost ducks for a couple of minutes trying to find the office, and everyone we asked tried to help. So yeah, definitely found the people here friendly. Food wise, I think I am going to abstain from Indian food once I get back. Day 2 and I am "scared" already. Ate in the office canteen today... hee... will let you know if I get a stomach upset in a bit. Am so glad I brought all my food supplies over as apart from the hotel, there are no decent shops around for you to buy groceries etc. But thanks to my brilliant forsight, I've got biscuits, coffee, sweets, chocolates and cup noodles and plenty of BOOKS for the days that I need comfort. And judging from the work... I do need plenty of comfort indeed! (I also have with me Jap anime and the discs I took from the BEB)

In conclusion... this place is not as "scary" as the descriptions I've heard. However, in comparison to the other emerging market, China, most visitors would have a greater difficulty adjusting here as everything is just in disrepair, and there are just no amenities available. Whilst China gives you the feeling of wealth right now... there is still a very obvious poverty gap here.

Hee... what a long email. Coz eating in the canteen means that we spend a really short time at lunch! Gonna go attempt to swim later today... yesterday's attempt had me yelping out of the water as it is so cold!

Miss ya all! Huggies!


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