Friday, August 22, 2008

Night out in Mumbai

This email was a couple of days after... unfortunately this night out also resulted in my getting a bad stomach upset.

Hello All...

Just thought that I'll update on my night out yesterday even though no one is really responding... wonder where is my little sis. (Only my dad seems to be the "free" person who replies with many interesting comments)

Anyways, yesterday the colleagues brought us out to dinner, an Indian Seafood dinner to be exact, and I had my first "taste" of real Mumbai. I finally figured out what is so "special" about the roads here... there are no lane markings! So everyone pretty much drives/walks as though it's a free for all, and you squeeze into every little space. At some amazing traffic junctions, traffic is almost "zig zag", and a short drive can really give you heart palpitations considering the number of times that we manged to break a mere couple of cms from the bumper/legs of the car in front / person in front. However, my local colleague told me that Mumbai is actually considered organsied as opposed to Delhi... can't imagine how it is there. But yes, after two weeks here, don't think I will ever complain about SG traffic.

The other interesting attribute about Mumbai is that the "upmarket" area is side by side with the not so "upmarket" area. So maybe on the right there could be a shopping complex, but on the left are people selling the day's farm produce on the pavement (yup, no carts, just on the pavement). Quite different from most other cities where there is always a clear "posh" area. Apparently, this is unique to Mumbai. And the sheer number of people on the roads. Wow. Think serangoon's little india with 10 times the number of people in the same space. For a city that is much bigger than SG, but with a population that is only slightly more than 3 times bigger (13.5m), I wonder why it just looks that much more crowded.

Dinner was at a place that would have been only 5 minutes drive from the office, but it took us about half an hour. There is construction going on everywhere now and we parked in a still being built multi storey car park. Yeap... you read it right, it was still being built. First time I stepped into a "WIP" building.

Indian seafood is yummy. Tried tandoori crabs yesterday. Spicy but yummy. And instead of chapati, had bharkri, which is another "prata" like thing, except that it's made of rice with coconut milk. People here have dinner really late, like 9.30pm, so when we reached the restaurant at 8.00pm, we were the only ones there. Imagine 10 different people serving just one table... hee... Anyway, thanks to all the curry and carbo filled food that I have been eating, my weighing machine tells me that I have been steadily putting on weight... so don't be surprised if I come back fatter!

If you are wondering why I am writing yet another long email... it's coz we gave the files to the photocopy boy yesterday (yes, they have people here who are just in charge of photocopying)... and of course, he's not done yet (or he's not in office yet)... which leaves me with pretty much nothing to do at the moment!

All ritey, hope this has provided you with an amusing read. Huggies!

And this was the reply I got from my dad. Yes, I do think that he is very hilarious.

Aaahh...I am feeling claustrophobic already. Read alot about bad traffic in Indian cities before. Good thing that it is someone else who is experiencing it and narrating the details (so mean). Hope you have pictures to support your travelogue....will be good that you build upon it during each travel. There is always something new, something interesting, something unique to remember.

Food, glorious food ! Have you spotted any cereals with curry in the breakfast menu yet? Well if you want to try, make sure there is a toilet nearby first. (For the record, yes, there are such options, but I think I will leave it to the very end of my trip before I even consider trying)

Have some more discurries... oops I mean discoveries.

Me 1 (since no one else has replied).


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