Thursday, August 21, 2008

Birthdays and the thots that come with it

So my yearly August celebrations were all in "fast forward" mode this year as I scrambled to do all my well wishes within my limited period in SG. For a change though, there was no scrambling to get bday presents for everyone as Hong Kong provided me with the perfect opportunity to pick up stuff for all the folks.

Had a mini celebration with T right in the beginning of the month, a whole 20 days before the actual day. It's become pretty much a ritual really... this little get together in August. Really enjoyed that little night out... the quiet beginning at the pizza joint, talking to the really young waiter from Nepal, I think he really thought the two of us were an old married couple or something. Considering that it was my first weekend back home, I was just really glad to be back in familiar territory, hanging out at old joints, enjoying company with whom there was really no need to entertain. Even silences are comfortable... that's the beauty of home I guess. Think I always thought that there are similarities between T and a certain other friend, and so I was somewhat tickled when we ended up at Arab? street... hee, I really don't know where exactly with J and P, listening to jazz. Never been to the area in my entire life, and all of a sudden, I've paid multiple visits to this area in this year. Will definitely come back here again... if only to just chill out on the sofas at the top floor.

Had a "surprise" birthday celebration for Ms ED at Barracks as well... well, kinda "surprise" coz she knew about it in the end... and she gave me a right o scare by declaring that she did not wanna come out. Grrrr... Anyways, it was a tad funny coz there was a new addition to the group this time round, as S has gotten attached yet again! All in all, though it was a rather subdued celebration, thought it was nice that we are all out catching up after so long! Must really meet up again soon.

Ended my week of meeting up with peeps by meeting the ex teammates for drinks and chicken wings, BEB and L for dinner, and having a massive farewell party for the tons of people leaving the ex department (I think the count is close to 10!) Will admit that I enjoyed the "little" gatherings more than the large scale ones as it was just more relaxed and laid back. Listening to the old office gossip without having a real care, or just the BEB and L rib each other (as usual) was just more entertaining than having to answer for the millionth time how I was adjusting to my "new" job. Was very thankful that we did not have to eat prawn noodle again, and I will forever remember the pepper shaker incident. Next up, Broth?

On a semi related note, the SB saw me wrapping up my various pressies and writing cards, and he commented that it was a waste of time. Hmmm... I don't know. For me, a pressie is just that more meaningful when it comes wrapped and with a card. Mayhaps in our modern materialistic society, the value of the present may have overtaken all the personal touches involved (the SB tells me he buys his own bday presents and "claims" the value from his friends)... but I guess I'm still old fashioned. The gifts were not the most expensive (heart was willing, but pocket was empty), but think it took me a longer time to choose my little gifts then for me to purchase stuff for myself... and wrapping them up is just my way of saying I care. :)


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