Thursday, July 31, 2008

Shopping Paradise, Expenditure H...

Was just lamenting to the BEB earlier this week that this shopping expedition to HK has not been very successful. And the sagely one told me to "take my time and slowly walk/browse". True enough, I spent the past couple of nights walking around Causeway Bay after work... and lo and behold... I now need to worry for my wallet! At this point of time, I'm a tad wary about tallying up my purchases... the danger of credit cards with is... you don't even stop to consider how much you have spent, coz you never ever run out of "borrowed money". Hee...

Am super happy with all my purchases though... certain items were "expensive", in the sense that I think I've just purchased my most expensive Tshirt, pair of jeans as well as a denim skirt! But then again... I really am in love with my new purchases... so I shall worry more when the credit card bill comes! My newest self delusional theory is that since I am gonna be spending a good portion of the next month in Mumbai... time enuff to save then. Hiaz, if only I still had per diem, then I seriously won't think twice about shopping. *giggles*

Have got another weekend left in HK. Gosh, I wonder how much more damage I can do. Must find something for the sis though, have not been able to get anything for her this time round. *ponder ponder*

Inspired by a Dinner!!!

Really does not take much to keep me happy and going I think. Despite the fact that this is the beginning of my “busy” season, I’ve been in relatively high moods as I set to tackle all that has been set out. This week in particular has really been a mixture of highs and lows. Highs coz I managed to go shopping in HK with S&S (sounds like the firm brand really, but thankfully it’s not). It was really amusing to see the Skunk hit the shops like a gal. And of course my attempt at reinventing his wardrobe failed miserably… I seriously had no idea that he is THAT skinny. Forever planted in my mind will now be the picture of him in checkered berms. *guaffaw*

Unfortunately, the weekend passed way too fast, and I received that horrible email from that Partner… who had to place me in the spotlight, and caused me to extend my stay in HK. Sighs… I think I’ve got way loads to learn in weighing the consequences of my actions. But things ain’t all that bad: I learnt that the Frog ain’t coming to SG after all, so no bad karma… but that unfortunately does not keep my boss away. Looks like it’s gonna be OT for me next Weds nite whilst I struggle “valiantly” to clear the back log. I shall NOT go shopping on either Sat/Sun, it’s time I did some serious work in the hotel. Plus, I dread to think about the credit card bills that will be greeting me when I get back. Whoever said the summer sale has great deals forgot to add in that it’s great deals for all the big brands… so the resultant impact to the wallet is still substantial indeed.

The highlight of this trip was definitely the food. The dim sum at Lei Gardens had me literally making all those act cute faces that you see on the Taiwanese entertainment programs. Then there was this really lovely dinner at Cova? Would love to put up all the photos but I will have to wait for S to pass them to me. And his track record is not impressive. And of course there was last night… Dinner with D at Zuma. Actually read up on the place and the reviews were very mixed. Quality of food was strictly dependent on what you ordered, and service was supposed to be “French Like”, i.e. bad. The restaurant is located at the super atas Landmark. Anyone who has seen the Landmark will know that nothing in there is affordable.

What can I say. I really enjoyed the dinner. Of all the “problems” quoted in the bad reviews… hee, well, D’s a regular and knows the manager, so we had no problems with the service nor the food choice, though I would not recommend the spider maki to anyone… it’s “fishy”, for lack of a better term. The cocktails there were impressive, and super potent. Think the next time the gang makes it down, would definitely head to the bar there (provided we are willing to pay the SGD 20 per cocktail price... think Raffles Hotel).

Good food and great company. That was more or less sufficient to put me in a good mood to tackle the numbers all over again. As well as this determination to be able to afford the dinner by myself the next time round. Haha. Talking with a person who easily earns 5 times my pay is “inspiring” indeed. He of course had to remind me that we had the same foundation and opportunities… and I could have made better use of it. Think that’s the main difference between the sis and me. She actually considers her potential and the remuneration before taking up a job. I put a lot more other things into consideration instead, and money has never been the biggest consideration. Mayhaps that’s why the moves I’ve made have never been the brightest (horizontal moves rather than vertical?) Funnily enough, was asked yesterday by someone in the office if I wanted to relocate to HK. This place really has a lot more scope and depth than back home. Think I would have grabbed at this opportunity a couple of years back. Now… oh well, mayhaps… it’s a good place for starting anew and to see how far I can actually go? Time to pick up Cantonese!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

There must be something about getting old that makes one teary eyed. Mayhaps the tear ducts just function better with age. Whatever the case, was strangely emotional whilst attending the little one's Commencement last Saturday.

7 years appears both short and long depending on which little angle we are staring at. It's long enough for a change in naming convention. What used to be a Convocation is now a Commencement, and what used to be just simple Orientation / Matriculation is now a Convocation. 7 years definitely brought about a change in what was considered acceptable undergraduate behaviour, and this was extremely evident in the school video screened. Whilst the video at my own graduation ceremony was full of orientation moments (i.e. students running around in big tees, big shorts, and getting all muddy and dirty), the sis's video had plenty of footage pertaining to hot dance costumes (i.e. almost nothing), and beer. I am sure my parents would have cringed if there was a shot of my sis in one of the skimpy salsa costumes, but mayhaps, the other parents have gotten more liberal. However, looking at everyone in their gowns, I could not help but remember my own convocation with vivid detail, and of taking photos with everyone. And listening to the conversations, well, some things just don't change with time.

Must say I was pretty impressed by the speeches given by the students. There was a good balance of humour with emotion, and the delivery was impeccable. At that point of time, I realised the difference in the different universities educational style, and I must say that the school culture is very strong indeed. The students definitely surpassed their deans in their articulation and pronunciation... as the deans of the different schools had the mother and me trying hard to repress our laughter throughout their speech.

Though the parents did not say it, I think they were very happy on that day. After all, I know that my parents have always felt the pressure of bringing two slightly problematic daughters all the way to university. Well, contrary to their belief, I think the little sis and I are quite grounded, and in many ways, pretty sure about what we want. Hopefully, now that this phase in life is complete, they will learn to relax.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Club Month

It's really starting to become a trend... once a year, there will be a stretch where I start on my clubbing streak. This year looks like the month has come slightly early. After the Zouk outing last week, went out with the ex colleagues to St James last Friday. And... never thought that I would say this about clubbing with the colleagues (after all, I never ever did it during my tenure with the firm), but it was really quite fun!

20+ people, in one room, and hitting the dance floor. Think K and I really do get along quite a bit... even our taste in clubbing is similar! Next thing I knew, it was 4am... and I had consumed way too much alcohol. Spent the entire Sat vegging at home, way too tired to go out. H and I were trying to pass me off as a first yearer who has left the firm.. damn funnie... but I think we actually did manage to pull it off. That's how much alcohol that was flowing... so much so that the senior people actually believed us.

The night out was a pretty good cure for the "homesickness" that I was feeling earlier in the day. It was good to be mixing around with people again, and not just being a "ghost". Suddenly, work did not seem so fearsome... it just takes a bit of getting used to, and yes, learning to build those bridges all over again.

Honest Reflections

At times, I still cannot shake off that feeling inside. Today was a singularly unproductive day at work. In part, it was because the only real task I had was the very one that I hate to do... documentation. I am one of those people who love to undertand the process, dig up the issues and then am utterly lazy at trying to put my thought process down
on paper. I only do so when there is a gun pointing at my head.

Had one of those stomach churling days today... the one where I am totally craving a drink, and wanting to visit the toilet... and you know, there's really nothing that I should be nervous about. Except that I am...

Been caught in this political turf battle at work, and I find all my work being scruntinised. There's this fear that I've not done a thorough job. Worse, been told that the guys at Head Office are coming down to do a QR... Hiaz, does not get much worse than this.

Feeling unsettled. And as much as I loathe to admit it, I know the reason why. Promos and bonuses were announced at the old place early this week. Cannot help but wonder how I would have done, and how much $$ did I walk away from. Coupled with that... am gonna be meeting my old bosses really soon... and I don't know how to answer the "Are you happy" question. It's bugging me, this moving out of my comfort zone. And the expectations that others have on me... and the knowledge that I am not even meeting the ones that I have set for myself. I think about the upcoming assignments and I feel this sinking in the stomach. All the turf war nonsense is really beyond my ability to grasp and manage at times. Hiaz.

Most of call, I crave that feeling of resoultion. It's been a while and I am still being plagued by it. Not so often in my waking moments, but often in my dreams. Time only heals when there's an effort to move.

Amusingly, bumped into A again the other day... whilst having coffee with the S. This time round, he did come by to say hi, and to pass me his card. Strangers again. How fickle human relationships can be.

Thursday, July 03, 2008


Found this song... have not heard it in years... brought back alot of old memories! In a way, I still love it... Guess who?



