Sunday, April 01, 2007

Rushing for...

Have not posted anything for a while, simply because I have been very very busy! The big deadline was on 31 March, and I am proud to say that we've more or less met it! Am immensely grateful for my team, they have been great, and have contributed aplenty. No matter the outcome (i.e. Japan's verdict on our work quality), I think that they have done a splendid job. Considering that at the end of the day, they have been working late nights, weekends, etc without any form of appreciation (monetary or time off), they have been making alot of sacrifices for this assignment. Well, I guess that's what team spirit is all about.

Besides work, socially, it has been a pretty busy period as well. Since moving back to RP, have caught up with quite a few people, attended my first wedding as a married person (amazing how this actually affects my attitude during weddings), heard alot of stories (some good, some bad). For some reason, there have been alot of thoughts wondering about in my head this period, mayhaps it was a reaction to things that others have told me, mayhaps it was my own reaction to being so busy... you know, when everything is going upheaval around you, it's difficult to actually pinpoint your thought process... miss blogging, and it's ability to slow me down.

Well, the job deliverables should be more or less met in one week's time... finally! Next up, China and more China... hopefully, will have time to sort out my thoughts in between.
For now, a few "shout-outs":
Ms Devil - am glad your obstacle at work has been removed. Hope that your refound interest in your work is sustainable! Maybe at the end of the day, it really was all about her and not the job!
Icarus- am glad that you shared what happened with me. Let's try to meet up more often! Am not sure if it will help, but at least I know that I enjoy your company. :)
MT - I know you've asked me out for beer a couple of times and I really really could not make it... sorriez... I promise to meet up once this crazy period is over!


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