Saturday, June 17, 2006

Peer Pressure

Gee.. I have spent so long out of this industry that I cannot quite remember how hardworking my fellow colleagues can be. It's a Saturday morning (sort of), and I've just sent my version of work to a colleague. And although she was supposed to have finished her work yesterday (at 6pm no less), I've discovered that she was working till the wee hours yesterday, and is still slogging now. Reason? Because I was still ploughing away at my documentation.

I find this phenomenon really amazing... at this rate, neither of us is going to see any bit of Shanghai as we are going to be competing with each other to clock more hours. And seriously, I know I am never going to win this battle. After all, why work when you can play? Managers are meant to raise queries, so no matter how much more you document your work, there will be questions raised. Oh well... we shall see how this progresses.

Another group of colleagues are down in Shanghai as well. However, they really seem to be working hard (until 5am this morning). I really cannot help but to wonder whether our deadlines are really so impossible, or is it that all of us just delight in spoiling the market. Now I must know how my old colleagues in SCL must have felt. After all, in a company where most people knocked off at 5.30pm promptly, there was always a group of us that kept working till 8, 9 consistently...

So, I resolve to just keep to my own schedule for the rest of this trip and not be stifled by the peer pressure. At the most, will just endeavour to be more productive during the official working hours (plus a couple of hours overtime, of course). I need my beauty sleep (else I am just so grouchy), and I really do want to experience a little of Shanghai and Beijing. As nice as my hotel room is, I don't really wanna spend forever inside it.


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