Sunday, June 11, 2006

Fascination with 8 days and it's penultimate page

For the past couple of years (and I use this term "broadly"), I have faithfully bought a copy of 8 days every weeks (the exception being overseas trips and hospital visits). On a yearly basis, I've considered subscribing to the magazine and having it delivered to my house. However, time and again, I've decided against it... why so? Perhaps it's because I enjoy the act of grabbing the mag from the makeshift store uncle / auntie just before I embark on my MRT ride.

So what has grabbed my attention over the years? Hmmm... I must admit that TV junkie that I am... my first and foremost priority is to read the drama series sypnosis. Even though I've not really "followed" any drama serials in a really long time (since uni days), I still tend to enjoy "following" the series via the written word.

The next draw? I suppose that since Jules inists that I'm a confirmed gossip... I do really enjoy reading the "infotainment" pages, gasping over the latest celebrity get together / break ups, and typically how slim the celebrities look in the various fashion events. But the highligh of the week definitely goes to the penultimate page. Interestingly enough, I've realized that many of my friends have not actualy read about the adventures of Jason, Amanda and Saffy. I suspect this is because the layout of the pae is jammed filled with words. But for fans like me, a page is never enough. For years now, Mr Hann has kept me entertained on a weekly basis wit the antics of him and his really good friends. Perhaps they are a tad exaggerated, but I think he often describeds the past times and way of thought of my group of friends, namely, chilling out, stoning, complain and guy gazaing... So yeah, I stronly recommend reading the penultimate page for a weekly dosage of laughter.


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