Monday, May 22, 2006

Missing Some Old Friends

Perhaps it has to do with being in this little secluded part of Singapore (read: Changi); and going back to yet another little corner of Singapore (read: my home), but I had this sudden moment where I kind of craved company, and realized that I have been neglecting a certain group of friends. My typical day / week has been revolving around work, family, Jules and a bunch of friends that I NEED to meet on a weekly basis… if not more. But by and large, this meant that I’ve had little pockets of people that I know I should be trying to meet up with, but I cannot quite seem to set time aside for.

Why do I hang out with my little group of friends so often? Hmmm… I guess in the end it is because I am really most comfortable with them, and since the group is relatively large, impromptu lunches, dinners, drinks can take place on a as and when basis. Appointments with other people on the other hand, need to be slightly more contrived. It requires both parties to be “in the mood” for a catch up session or other. :) I suppose each of us have priorities, and I too have often been guilty of preferring to meet with my lil’l gang / my parents / Jules rather than socializing with other friends… until it comes to one of these days… I guess.

Met T for dinner yesterday. As usual, when I am out with him… it’s a lot of fun… on an “intellectual” level. Hmmm… if I were to be made to put it into words, I suppose I’ll just say that we are on the same wavelength when it comes to interests, expressions and are just able to understand each other. It’s not just intelligence that is important, but when it comes to conversations, at times you need to be able to understand the mannerisms, behaviors of the other party, in order to best enjoy time spent together. Gibberish? Well, I suppose this is something that only “kindred spirits” can understand… or I simply just have a non existent ability to put feelings into words. Well, suffice to say that it was an enjoyable evening (Jules came along later), and I’ve found yet another little watering hole!

That one outing just kind of reminded me of the other people whose company I’ve enjoyed and would like to hang out with… ex colleagues, friends from university days. Just people that you’ve always promised to try and catch up with… At this day and age, it’s not really that easy to make new friends, it’s a pity to lose contact with the old ones… and I guess now that I’m faced with the prospect of spending a good amount of time out of the country, the more so these folks are missed. Used to be that msn was a good way of staying in contact with these people, but in times like this where I have no internet access… perhaps I do need to put in some effort to try and catch up with them after all!


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