Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I need to find time... priorities

Help... am drowning... and think so are my colleagues. Think we need to have more than 24 hour days... I can't decide what I should be doing with my time at all? For example, it's lunch hour now, should I go for lunch, should I stay in and blog down an entry, should I start writing my Christmas cards, read my book, or simply just try and finish my work so that I can go home and have dinner with my mum as I promised?
So life has plenty of obligations, tasks, and other stuff... there's work, and there's sleep... my problem, I think I need to do too much with too little time. Theorectically, work is supposed to be a nine hour affair, with two extra hours for travelling... and you are left with thirteen... unfortunately, I need plenty of sleep, let's say eight hours, and you are left with six.... two hours to get ready for work / for bed... and you are left with four. What can you then do with four hours? Read a book, spend time with the family, spend time with friends, go to the gym, go swim, I'm sure you get the picture, my list is endless...
Worse... this is the ideal situation... reality... work takes like 14 hours plus travelling on the average, which leaves you with next to nothing after sleep. Right now, really trying to figure out what is "good to do", what is "need to do", and this applies in all aspects of my life. At work, what "has to be done", what "can be done later", what is just my perfectionist and control freak nature coming through... which friends are the ones that I don't wanna neglect, which are the appointments that I can push aside... can I survive with less sleep, should I stop being such a busy body at work and just do what I can and nothing more, should I bother writing christmas cards this year, or should I just be like everyone else and forget about doing such a thankless task...
In case anyone who is reading this has not realized, I am just being a whiner here... :) just feel like I am drowning and need to let it out somehow, but as always... once I'm done complaining, it's time to just pick myself up and continue to clear stuff... so for all those who have actually read till this stage, wow.. thanks!


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