Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Catching Up With Old Friends

Managed to keep to my new list of priorities and had dinner with two really old friends from my JC days yesterday. I actually can't quite remember when was the last time we actually had such a long extended conversation... perhaps ten years back? Got home feeling rather happy as it was one of those occassions where no one was in any rush to make it to another appointment, it was time set aside simply for the purpose of catching up. Really enjoyed the conversation, we weren't really talking about anything serious, but it was vaguely reminiscent of JC GP class, where we were simply discussing our views on various issues... for fear of being called an elitist here, I will just state that it's been a long time since I have had such an open discussion, perhaps coz the people and schools that I attended after JC were just of the variety which was unaccustomed to open discussion.
Ten years, wow.. if I ever needed proof that I am really growing old. It's funny how people change over time. Think I found out things about my friends yesterday which I never knew before. Things that were a "secret" in your young years for fear of what others may think of you, which in your "maturity", you realize that friends aren't meant to judge you.
Was really nice meeting up with them... can't quite explain why, but I guess it has to do with that familarity, and of watching each other grow up through the years. These days when you meet someone new, you are more inclined to be wary, as there are just so many other considerations, and you are always on the look out for sensitive issues (office politics, client gossip, etc), but with old friends, I guess you are assured of a certain amount of sincerity.
Everyone seems to have moved onto a different path in life. Here's hoping that all of us will still maintain contact, and that we won't have to wait for another 10 years before having such a good catch up session.


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