Thursday, November 17, 2005

About that whimsical feeling

So... have not posted in a bit... simply coz I have been really swamped at work. It just happens that after my holiday, I came back to face a mountain of emails (I am so not kidding)... and my colleague has just gone for her honeymoon, so I had to handle her mountain too. :)

Anyways, figured that blogging needs a certain mood, a certain state of mind really, and that's when thoughts tend to flow. When you "make" yourself blog, chances are that the results turn out to be somewhat similar to an assignment... forced, coerced, rehearsed. Needless to say, was not in the "mood" for blogging the past two weeks, any spare time I had, I was thinking of my bed, and my brain was in "exhausted" mode.

So why the sudden time for blogging? Finally gave myself a break today, and knocked off early to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire... was taking a cab back, running through my old messages in my phone, and it "struck"... this feeling that I just can't quite place. Not sure if you have felt it before, but whilst i went through those messages, I just started thinking of the various people who have touched my life in the past, and I started wondering where in my life do they stand now.

So there's a good friend who has recently gotten attached, and well,what can I say, as always when in honeymoon, I don't get to hear much from her. There's another who is progressing in his relationship whilst still rather torn about what he wants... occassionally he touches base, but at his own leisure. There's the married one, who is enjoying her new status, and I guess I'm just company for double dates at the moment... and then there's him... the one who is getting married... hmmm... that's a funny story altogether. If I wanted to place things or people, he would be the one that came into my life in a really quick span of time, under circumstances whereby people do not often manage to break down barriers, but I guess... in a way we did... Well, have not managed to have a good beer or chill our session with him in a while, but I knows he's always there should I require someone to talk to, and hope he knows I'm around too.

So where does that bring us? Guess, basically... I was just suddenly overwhelmed by the fact that in life you actually do MEET quite a couple of people whom you can get along with, talk to... but in our really busy schedules, we don't really find the time to keep these people in our mind. Would say that my priorities these days are my family, my significant other, and work... and not even neceassarily in that order. Alarming then that work can actually take up so much of our time, so much so that we forget or are too tired to bother about that human interaction... Conclusion: I will resolve to do something about this... perhaps it may be difficult to always work on friendships and stuff, especially when the other party is also all caught up... but at least, I must start learning to put my relationship with my family and Jules in the correct place... after all, the one lesson learnt about watching Harry Potter? "Keep your friends close"...


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