Friday, October 21, 2005

The Start of Everything

What makes a person start a blog? Perhaps it is the need to just "tell" someone what you are feeling? Have been reading the blogs of many others of late, and I guess it's one of those things that just "struck" me... can still remember my school days where I would faithfully keep a diary to record things that happen in my life: be it daily activities, or some of those innermost thoughts... things which you would not dare to voice out to anyone. And slowly but surely, just putting those words to paper... you would just gain some clarity in your own life. In a way, it was a form of making some sense out of your life, to be able to sort one's thoughts, one's actions. Frightening then how such a cultivated routine could be broken once work started, and life became swamped with well... "work"... and it's own slew of interrelated issues; relationships with colleagues, the management of your own emotions, or sometimes just the difficulty of disciplining yourself. Of late, been feeling rather bogged down by my own experiences at work, and this caused a "spillover" effect into my personal life. Just got bitten by this need to once again pen down everything again... perhaps in this way once more, I will actually be made to come to face with my own thoughts... and therein make some sense of my life.


Blogger Ess You Kay i said...

Hi! First thing, Congratulations on your new blog. I really needed to congratulate you because I felt that it's something that's definitely going to help you in a lot of ways, at least it helped me a lot. I keep getting questions from myself about so many different matters..sometimes it's my innerself that questions me, sometimes it's my observations of people and everything around me and sometimes it's just the kaleidoscope of life. Of course, I do maintain a real journal too which I do write in occasionally when I need to get some thoughts out that I don't want to really share with anyone, but on my blog, it's just pouring out all thoughts for me...thoughts and questions that perhaps I'd like to get the opinions and views, and possibly even answers to from other people. Blogging- it's a perfect mindspill for me, something that I'm really glad I began doing. :)

10:16 PM  

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