Sunday, May 05, 2013

Burn Out

It's a term that has not been used in a while... but really looking at facebook, conversations, it's just a change in definition.
In our teens - this was mostly exam stress and parental pressure. The stuff that is now highlighted by the media on a consistent basis.
In our twenties - this was solely reserved for work. That cannot go on feeling resulting from months of overtime. Everyone admits to it, and that's the most common reason for anyone leaving a job.
In our thirties - this is where it gets interesting. It's almost an embarrassment to be admiting to it. Especially if it's "work". We are supposed to have moved on, or learned to cope. The only acceptable form is for new parents who are struggling with the adjusting sleep patterns, and the disruption of having to cater to someone else's time. But even then, everyone will tell you... it's part and parcel.
But if you look deeper, I think the problem still exists. Yes, the hours are shorter, but the pressures are greater, and let's not start on the office politics. Where money is no longer the principal motivator, it's getting harder for each one of us to stay interested in our job. The Sunday night "I don't want to go to work" syndrome I think is more pronouced then before. Career wise, alot of us are peaking ... unless we want to "push ourselves harder". But what exactly does that mean? How many of us can actually say we know where we want to be 5 years down the road anymore? I definitely don't.
Then there's the "where am I going with this feeling"? As we reach this grand old age, we all keep wondering... what's next? No wonder people have kids, because at least that is a source of motivation. Been having a series of conversations with friends, and it's a little sad. The same issues keep appearing. Relationships failing, marriages breaking down... or just the "I want to find a guy but there's none in sight". Birthdays are no longer a celebration, instead it's a reminder that time is running out, time to spend with loved ones, and to find that elusive "purpose". Kinda cynical - but I think maybe, for those of us suspended in time, thirties is the new middle age crisis - and the "burn out" persay is with life itself.  


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