Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Bizarre Dreams

Have been super tired lately coz my night has been plagued with dreams. Now I know why people say a dream filled sleep is not a good sleep.

And the dreams have been really bizarre. Some I remember, some are a little fuzzy.

One which I remembered. I was trying hard to catch a flight to London, for some reason, I put off getting into the cab till an hour before flight time (so not me). Upon reaching the airport, I was told that I could not check in as I did not have the adequate insurance (yes, I made up this requirement in the dream). So I had to purchase the insurance and catch the next flight. In betweens the two flights, I actually went to my ex boss's place as his house was near the airport. At his place I made a huge discovery, that he's gay (something that I have my suspicions about) and that his gay partner is an Indian. If I could draw (which I can't), I would be totally able to draw out this Indian chap's looks. And I have never met him before! Long story short, because I overstayed at ex boss's place (something I cannot remember what was keeping me from leaving), I missed the second flight! Just so not fated to get on board the plane...

So that was dream one.

Dream two is not really a dream but a recollection. I was reliving a scene that took place 15 years ago. The first time since maybe like 6 yrs old that I cried in public. Public phones were still around at that point of time and I was talking to I about T with S standing helplessly and sheeplessly somewhere around me. I've always remembered that day coz well, (a) my skin is rather thin, and I don't like crying in front of people (I'm of the hide in the toilet and cry variety). So crying in public was a big no-no, and so very memorable; (b) after that very good cry, I just "packed" my emotions all inside me and than life went on again. Chapter closed. Guy written off. Many things happened post that period but nope, once I had that cry, we were over. Haha ... maybe that's why to this day we can still be friends. From that time, I was convinced that once I got pushed to the point that I would cry like that over a guy, the relationship is kaput, and once I have finished that cry I will get over him in a jiffy, coz well the "bottomline" has been reached. And you know, it's a theory that was put to the test and held true many a time.

Seems rather hilarious now, but hey, that's the thought process of a sheltered 18 year old whose only challenge in life is how to please the parents.

Wonder what dreams are in store for me tonight. Is there anyway to dictate dreams? Better still, would love to know how NOT to dream. It's too tiring.


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