Saturday, June 28, 2008


It's a working person's trait... we try means and ways to prolong our weekend. And last night, a couple of us attempted to do so by "partying" the night away. Went out with the gang plus a "little" boy ... L ... why little? Coz L really reminded me of a young boy, in one of his first few nights out. Anyways, hope that he had fun with us last night, we were really quite tame for a change. Know I was quite distracted for bits of the night... told S that I actually felt "unprepared". Hee... as one grows older, we really have weird fears!

Crashed out due to pure exhaustion today.. in fact... am still sleepy NOW!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Comedy of Errors

Last night started out with a couple of missed appointments, first with Miss ED who fell asleep after texting me about dinner and movie, then with the BEB and L (mayhaps this was a tad more contrived).

As it ended up, was at Borders browsing books until the two S's came along to have dinner (at 10pm!) and we went down to our usual haunt for some good wine. Miss Shanghai was so longing for some "fine" red wine that we ended up opening a bottle of red that was packaged like a champagne. For a moment, I really feared for my wallet. Can tell that S really missed being in Singapore... wonder if I "channel" the same feeling everytime I am back as well. Anyways, we made a date to enjoy the 1996 Mosswood the next time. Hee... time to get well soon!

This morning, we were supposed to have a "healthy" and "slimming" morning playing tennis followed by a swim but the rain came down. Sis, ZM, the Skunk and I did the total opposite and had a huge breakfast (more like lunch) of eggs, french toast, bacon and potatoes at... roberston quay! That's twice in 12 hours. Haha... The food at Epicurious was really quite good and it made for an affordable way to spend a lazy Sunday morning... but I really need to get my exercise soon!

Am gonna give Dad his belated Fathers Day prezzie tonight... am so excited to see his reaction!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Shoe Spree!

Had a very "young" saturday... went out for a day of shopping with K yesterday. Have been on this hunt for "school shoe-ish" schools ever since I came back from Sydney. This sudden urge came about whilst walking everywhere in Sydney in my heels and realising that it would have been just so much more comfortable if I only had more comfy shoes... and then, on my last day in Sydney, I went around in my tracks, but felt so conscious about looking like a nerdish looking student. So yes, went on a shoe hunt yesterday with K.

Mayhaps it was shopping with someone with so much youthful energy (she's 4 years younger!). But we stopped from 2.15 to 6.30 without sitting down anywhere to rest! Think it's a record for me in SG. But yes, we had alot of fun... and we both went home extremely satisfied with our purchases. I bought a record 5 pair of shoes!!! and K went home with yet another GG<5>

So yes, K and I made a pact to do this next month again... either in SG or HK.... after all, we still have alot of KIV items from yesterday (I really really like this Agnes B bag... )

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Me is Klutz!

I canna believe it... but I managed to twist my ankle not once, but TWICE today! Was I daydreaming? I have no idea... but yup, on my way to work, I tripped over nothing and ended up on my knees. Sighs... and thank goodness for jeans, else I would have seriously scraped knees. Now I just have a sore wrist to contend with. 

And then... when I was with my dad, I tripped over... yup... nothing again. Thankfully, dad was there to prevent me from landing n my poor knees again. 

I vow to walk properly tomorrow... hee

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


It’s been a while since it all ended
And I’m slowly settling into this new routine
But every once in a while
The screen flickers, and it’s as though I’m transported into another time
A few exchanges, a few laughs
All too soon though I realize where I am
And it’s time to move on again

Sunday, June 08, 2008


There's something about home that I really miss. Everytime I leave for a long trip abroad, I come back missing home and scampering to meet up with all my friends and family. This trip was no different, and without really planning it, I had lunch and dinner plans for the entire week lined up. 

And it was really such good fun... had dinner with PR and Miss Ene at Relish the other day, and we went over to Miss Ene's new place to check it out... was kinda cute seeing her play "host" and showing off all the renovations, lights and appliances. We are all so getting domesticated! Guess the funniest part of the night was our after dinner entertainment when we started playing Wii. It was my first time handling the controls and we had a huge bunch of laughs whilst trying to hit tennis balls, baseballs and boxing. I was so sure my arm would ache the next day. 

Had lunch with La the next day. Nice guy as he was, he came all the way from Bukit Timah to have lunch with me. He was just back from spending the past 6 months in Melbourne, and we started talking about the differences between being overseas and back home. True, we do often complain about the little things about SG that irks us, but maybe it was coz both of us were spending time alone overseas, it gave us plenty of opportunity to miss everything about home! 

As usual, I ended up the week telling myself that I would not wait for the next time I disappeared to make it a point to meet it up with all the peeps. 

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Whilst walking to work

I figured out the answer to this question that everyone has been asking me... do I like my new job? One month of zipping in and out of SG and I still could not give a straight answer to this question... and yet, I could not quite put a finger to it exactly.

But then... during my little walk today, I finally got it. There are bits of this job that reminds me of the one that I left two years ago, and the most striking being that I don't understand my function in the scope of the entire company. Which is why despite the hours and the good travel comfort, I could not give the job a two thumbs up.

But having finally figured the "problem", I can now conclude that this really ain't so bad. I always did say that I wanted to find a job like that one before, where I could settle down, find time to learn and have time for myself. Well... this does indeed serve the purpose. And... I am no longer a voiceless lass... my current boss is open to little changes. It's just a matter of handling him (aha! it's a him! mayhaps that's why it makes for easier handling). As a much added bonus, I do feel that my brain is being utilised during working hours, and yes... there is a significant higher pay than two years ago (Phew!). Now, if only the colleagues aren't such "ladies" who have their noses permanently stuck up in the air or in their powder boxes, I would be quite contented indeed. Thank goodness for old lunch buddies!