Sunday, January 13, 2008

Solitude and Thoughts

Over the past couple of years, I've realised that there are a few "me" things that I resort to whenever I'm confused, uptight, stressed, etc. Initially, they were things that I did whenever things went wrong, and then, I realised, that like writing, they just helped me to recollect, analyze, and be more at peace with whatever was happening. Thinking back, realised that mayhaps why these activities were so helpful was coz they gave me a chance to spend time with myself. After all, everyone needs some solitude, aka, "alone" time.
  • sipping a glass of wine, listening to music
  • taking a drive at night, listening to music again!
  • spending some time at the bottom of a pool
  • watching liquid flow
  • indulging in some snack or other
  • writing
  • housework when the house is empty (latest addition!) 
Happened to have the opportunity to do all the above lately, and as usual, managed to find my "zen" state. :)


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