Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Lazy-ish Weekend

It's been a pretty busy couple of weeks, mostly because of work... finally it seems, we are taking the deadline seriously, and it had to happen at a time where I have no other resources booked on the job. Anyways, it was compounded by my manager telling me that she has been told to take a step back so that I would have a chance to prove myself capable of "client management", as well as taking on a managerial capacity, i.e. reviewing of other's work. Well, looking at it positively, it is about time that I started earning my pay. After all, it has always been on the back of my mind that I've not having the same kind of exposure as the rest of my peers... so now, it's time to prove myself? And, knowing me, I perform better under stress anyway.

All that aside, I was in need of a good break this weekend... and I think I got it... Met PR for dinner at Oosters on Friday night... and due to something that I was frantically rushing for, I made her wait for half an hour! *sorry gal*... but it was fun as usual, catching up on gossip and all... who says you cannot make friends once you start work?

Sat... I was just so damn tired that I slept, slept and slept... I think I momentarily worried Jules, who is just more used to the him sleeping, me bustling around routine... Well, due to a shoulder ache that I had, he decided that I needed to get a shoulder massage... so we went down to Kenko at the fringe of Chinatown. Now my shoulders feel all bruised, but it is tons better than the throbbing pain.

By a stroke of luck, methinks yesterday was also the first night of the Chinese New Year night market. With nothing very much to do, we decided to jostle with the crowd. Hmmm... I think I just really like walking about at pasar malams... I really enjoyed looking at all the goodies. The big thing this year is a "new" product: 八宝花生, or so I think... essentially it is just nuts in a very healthy looking packaging. Also, the Taiwanse 果冻, as well as Japanese mochi in like 40 flavours, including, honeydew, durian, soursop, etc. I bought the mochi... yummy. It's been like 8 years since my last visit to Chinatown during CNY.

The moment the real crowd starting coming in, we left for home, just in time to catch the last 15 minutes of the Singapore - Malaysia extra time, as well as the penalty shoot out. Here, I learnt something new about Jules... he actually is a Lions fan at heart. I love watching penalty shoot outs, coz it is where all the "nail biting" action is, and last night proofed to be equally "dramatic", as the only goal which was saved was the last goal. Well, am glad the Lions won, was very rare to see the entire stadium filled with Lion supporters, and yes, to hear the Kallang Roar once again


Blogger wanderinrhapsody said...

no worries dear! I'm glad we got the chance to meet up..and dinner at Oosters was great! Yum! I should check out the food joints around raffles more often! =)

2:48 PM  
Blogger chiarezza said...

Haha... yes you should... just let me know when you are game to come on down again

12:44 AM  

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