Sunday, August 06, 2006


For time... just that one simple yet difficult to attain commodity. Feel the need for it most earnestly of late. Think I have been more contented lately in the job. It's nice... time consuming, but challenging. But yes, it requires time... which I do not have. Just been rather frustrated recently, coz there is just so much that I want to achieve, and no ability to achieve it. I want to complete my job responsibilities... I know that I can do it, the ideas are there... but I need to research a little more, need to clear up my thoughts... at the same time I need to sleep, to spend time with everyone, to spend time with myself. Been trying to meet up with some old friends lately.... haha, brings back plenty of memories. Had an interesting outing at Mt Faber, another interesting one at Paulaners. Always tell myself that this is why I still try my upmost best to keep in touch with them... coz at some point in my life they were important, and even after so long, the ability to just laugh and chat without a tinge of awkwardness is still there.

Do I try and do too much? But then why does it appear as though it was too little? Friday was a disaster... at work, and then later, when all co-ordination for the bday celebration failed to materialize. But then again, it ended well... hmmm... perhaps that's why we are still good friends. Mayhaps I really need to stop trying to control everything. Just read a book lately... the female protaganist is a control freak... kinda reminded me of myself... right down to why she feels so bad about relationships... after all, love is the one thing you can't control right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think I don't say it enough - thank you for friday.

Sometimes, I feel for our group, you don't need to do too much. Things tend to turn out right in the end :)

10:13 PM  
Blogger chiarezza said...

:) thanks babe... I know but I cannot help myself. Sighs

4:46 PM  

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