Monday, July 31, 2006


Caught two performaces over the weekend... first being my little sis's dance performance "Rummage" on Sat, followed by "Cabaret". And... I truly enjoyed both performances.

I think the little one's production was a very good amateur effort indeed. They got the lighting down pat if you ask me... and the entire production was entertaining (which is more than you can say for most performances) I think they outdid my expectations, which accounted for the enjoyable experience.

I had this "novel-like" feeling go through me in the midst of the show as I saw the little gal on stage. You know how it is like when you read the lines "sense of pride rush through him / her as he / she saw his / her child / brother / sister"??? Well, I think I actually did experience that exact same sentiment. I obviously had no part to play in her accomplishment, but seeing the well executed moves, I just felt proud of her / for her. It's good that what she has been training so hard for finally paid off. Not too sure about it, but I think that she has made quite a few sacrifices to come this far, so I'm glad that there were results to speak for itself. Think the little gal has had quite a tough time lately, and hopefully all the attention being put into Rummage helped in some way or other. Guess at the end of the day my family isn't very big on emotiong to each other, so I guess she'll just know that we care... and it's pretty much up to her to tell us how she really feels. :) Did I wish that she would confide in me? I guess so... but did I quite expect it? I guess not... after all, can't quite expect her to do stuff which I won't do right?

Cabaret was another out of the expected showing. I went in with "moderate" hopes as it was a local production, but I found myself being very impressed by Emma Yong's performance! I never expected her to sing this well. Fei Xiang (whom I have to admit really looks quite "not straight") had an amazing stage presence, but for some reason that I could not fathom, his diction was rather difficult to comprehend.

Must say that it has been a very satisfying weekend... and maybe the last weekend that I can enjoy in such relative peace! Today was the start of the new project... and I think my nightmares are all coming through... only redeeming quality? I have a straight bus to and from work, which starts at nine!


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