Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Taking little breaks now and then

Hmmm... have not updated my blog in a bit. Everytime that happens, it is a good indication that I've gotten a little busy at work. Well, starting my count down over here in office. And... there is just so much to clear before I can say "bye" to this place.

Due to the shortage of manpower, have still been given some new stuff to do... at the same time, desperately trying to clean up the mess that exists of my current portfolio. After all, in so much as far as possible, dun really wanna pass shit onto others to do. However, it is becoming apparent to me that unless by some fortune, I have >24 hrs in a day, I am not going to be able to finish as much as I want to accomplish. Should I then, forsake my personal time, forsake lunch? Well... being the ever ambitious me, was still struggling to achieve the best of my 45 different worlds or needs... that was until yesterday.

Not sure whether it was sparked off by a break up of a very good friend... but I had my own little tiff yesterday... and yes, I had my own little tumble as well. So, that was impacts to both my physical and emotional being... and I guess, I figured that I need to slow down. Work wise, for better or worse, I've let some of the work pile up over the months, and it's about time to prioritize and be realistic about what I can clear. Social wise, perhaps I really just can't have farewell breakfasts, lunches and teas with everyone! Just kidding... at the current moment, it's only farewell lunches, but yeah... maybe that has to be cut as well.... After office hours, that I really don't know... in the past week, have tried to work overtime, go home have dinner with parents, meet jules, be with my friends.... little wonder than that with all those thoughts in my mind, I slipped and fell and am now a tad handicapped.

So... I have resolved... am going to slow down a little... and take little breaks... coz only when you do so, are you able to look at what you have done, and review what else is left... that beats running around like a headless chicken.


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