Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Beginnings... yet again

It's been really quiet here, not really due to a lack of topics, but maybe due to a lack of coherent thoughts. Been a pretty hectic few months, with a lot of changes, this Tiger year may just prove to be an interesting one for me and my thouse around me. Funny yeah, how things just seem to happen together for friends?

In the course of a month or so, I seem to have lost pretty much all my lunch buddies, everyone seems to have switched / are in the process of switching jobs! And, whilst previous switches have always been in the RP vicinity, this time everyone seems to be moving away, with Ms ED going all the way to Jurong. Perhaps they have gotten it right after all, there's really not much to like about this area. In fact, if I were to ever run a company, would not pay the exhorbitant rents to locate myself in the crux of all the traffic.

April / May ... seems to always be that time in the year where I choose to embark on something different. This time round, it's a switch in roles. Smile, 2 years does seem to be the max that I can tolerate being bound to a certain job profile. This also means that it's been 2 years since my pay has been stagnant *sobbies*. No wonder I am finding it hard to afford my lifestyle of late. First week into the job, and I find my brain being worked as I make the transition once again from words back to numbers. Think I am a sucker for opting to move out of my comfort zone and back to a strange world that I have very little grasp of. Took me all of half and hour to realise how lacking my Excel skills are (when do you use "len", "if", "choose", "count", etc, etc... ), part of me feels that I'm too old to keep tackling these steep learning curves, on the other hand, a part of me does relish the fact that maybe just maybe I'm going to learn something again. My fellow teammates are a bunch of jaded downers, their msn nicknames are downright depressing. Shall check in again couple of months from now and see if I keep having the words "frustrated", "sleepless", "angry", "nonsense" in my nick. Well, I guess not sleeping till the wee hours on a daily basis does frustrate one.

Onto happier thoughts, went for a nice break to the Gold Coast and Noosa. It's really one of those time just slows down places, and gosh.... the sky was so beautiful! Love holidays, think coz that's the only time where I stop to look and feel. Really came back much happier and refreshed. Have not even loaded the photos anywhere though, wonder when I will get down to it. Reminded me a little of my Sydney trip two years back... and had me wanting so much more. Can't really describe it, but there was this feeling of there's so much more to life than work and material needs, I want to really be able to enjoy this feeling with my loved ones...

K... time to continue working, have a bunch of reports to rush out so that I can make dinner or be grouched at.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we will get to visit more of our old haunts like last friday more often...and find new ones :)

10:54 PM  

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